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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福阅读材料:戏说世界杯七大奖项(双语) 巴西世界杯以一个乌龙球拉开了帷幕,各队球迷摇旗呐喊,为自己 的偶像加油。那你可知世界杯结束之后,除了大力神杯,还有七大奖项 颁发给在不同领域表现突出的球员和球队。更多托福要点、资讯敬请关 注智课外语培训网( 巴西世界杯以一个乌龙球拉开了帷幕,各队球迷摇旗呐喊,为自己 的偶像加油。那你可知世界杯结束之后,除了大力神杯,还有七大奖项 颁发给在不同领域表现突出的球员和球队。 At the end of each FIFA World Cup final tournament, several awards are attributed to the players and teams which have distinguished from the rest, in different aspects of the game. 每届世界杯比赛结束后,国际足联都会向在不同领域表现突出的球 员和球队颁发奖项。 金球奖 Golden Ball The Golden Ball award is presented to the best player at each FIFA World Cup finals, with a shortlist drawn up by the FIFA technical committee and the winner voted for by representatives of the media. Those who finish as runners-up in the vote receive the Adidas Silver Ball and Bronze Ball awards as the second and third most outstanding players in the tournament respectively. 世界杯金球奖用来颁发给每届世界杯的最佳球员,由国际足联技术 委员会提供候选名单,并由媒体代表票选得出。评选中的第二、三名分 别获得阿迪达斯银球奖和铜球奖。 金靴奖 Golden Boot The Golden Boot Award goes to the top goalscorer of the FIFA World Cup. The award was introduced at the 1930 World Cup. 世界杯最佳射手将获得金靴奖,于1930年世界杯首次颁发。 Since 1994, if there is more than one player with the same amount of goals, the tie-breaker goes to the player who has contributed the most assists. If there is still more than one player, the tie-breaker goes to the player who has played the least amount of time. 自1994年以来,如果有两位球员进球数相同,那么将按照球员的助 攻次数作为评选依据。如果仍不分胜负 ,那么比赛时间最短的球员将获 得金靴。 Silver and Bronze Boots have been awarded since 1982. 自1982年世界杯以来,还对进球数的第二、三名球员颁发银靴奖和 铜靴奖。 托福课程推荐 世界杯雅辛奖/最佳门将 Yashin Award The Yashin Award for the best goalkeeper is named in honour of the late goalkeeper Lev Yashin (USSR). The FIFA Technical Study Group recognizes the top goalkeeper of the tournament based on the players performance throughout the final competition. Although goalkeepers have this specific award for their position, the


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