ELD207(TA)-V,ELD205(TA),ELD205(TA)-V,ELD205(TB),ELD205(TB)-V,ELD206(TA), 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

ELD207(TA)-V,ELD205(TA),ELD205(TA)-V,ELD205(TB),ELD205(TB)-V,ELD206(TA), 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

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ELD207(TA)-V,ELD205(TA),ELD205(TA)-V,ELD205(TB),ELD205(TB)-V,ELD206(TA), 规格书,Datasheet 资料

8 PIN SOP PHOTOTRANSISTOR DUAL CHANNEL PHOTOCOUPLER ELD20X / 21X series Features • Dual channel coupler • Current transfer ratios offered in narrow ranges ELD205: 40-80% ELD206: 63-125% ELD207: 100-200% ELD211: 20% ELD213: 100% ELD217: 100% • High isolation voltage between input and output Viso = 3750 Vrms • Operating temperature range of -55 to +110℃ Schematic • High BVceo of 80V • Standard SO-8 footprint package • Pb free and RoHS compliant. • UL approved (No. E214129) • VDE approval (pending) • SEMKO approved • NEMKO approved • DEMKO approved • FIMKO approved 1. Anode • CSA approved (No. 2007189) 2. Cathode 3. Anode Description 4. Cathode 5. Emitter 6. Collector The ELD20X and ELD21X series contains two infrared 7. Emitter emitting diodes optically coupled to two phototransistor 8. Collector detectors. The devices are packaged in an 8-pin small outline package which conforms to the standard SO-8 footprint. Applications Feedback Control Circuits Interfacing and coupling systems of different potentials and impedance


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