GE X光机装机资料 SN_04614_565018-800_R1.pdf

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GE X光机装机资料 SN_04614_565018-800_R1

29-Nov-2005 SERVICE NOTE Page 1 of 16 Innova 2100IQ SN 4614 Rev 1 565018-800 UPS UL FIRST POWER ON APPLIES TO: INNOVA UL SYSTEM (AMERICA) Model No. SCAT No. MUST Code N/A All XCA108 PURPOSE/symptom At the first power on of Innova 2100IQ with fluoro UPS, it is critical to control the phase rotation applied on the UPS. PROBLEM A wrong main power wiring on the UPS could damage the PDB and blow the fuses F9 and F10. The Job Card IST0064 released on Innova 2100IQ does not describe how to check the phase rotation at the UPS first power ON. SOLUTION Insert an operation at the first power on checking the phase rotation applied on the UPS. Use the job card IST0064 updated and attached to this Service Note. Procedure 1 IST0064 - First Power On (Updated and Partial: UL only) 1.1 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Required Persons Preliminary Reqs Procedure Finalization 1 Timing Not Applicable 60 mins Timing Not Applicable 1.2 PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENTS 1.2.1 Tools and Test Equipment Item Qty Effectivity Part# Manufacturer Standard engineer’s toolkit 1 - - - Copyright © 2005 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved . 29-Nov-2005 SERVICE NOTE Page 2 of 16 Innova 2100IQ SN 4614 Rev 1


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