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23 3 () Vol. 23 No. 3 2009 7 JOURNAL OF UNIVERS ITY OF JINAN ( Sci. Tech) Jul. 2009 : 67 - 3559( 2009) 03- 0292- 04 济南市 PM2. 5 来源的解析 , 2 3 温新欣 , 崔兆杰 , 张桂芹 ( , 250 00; 2, 25000 ; 3 , 250 0 ) : 采集济南市环境空气样品和污染源样品, 分析其化学成分采用化学质量平衡( Chem icalM ass Balance, CM B)源 解析技术, 研究 讨济南市环境空气中PM2. 5 的来源结果表明: 对济南市有明显贡献的颗粒物源类是煤烟尘机动车尾气 尘土壤尘扬尘建筑尘钢铁尘硫酸盐和硝酸盐等, 并且城市区域尘大于外来尘的贡献, 各源类 PM2. 5 贡献值和分担率的季 节变化较明显 : PM2. 5; CM B模型; 贡献值; 分担率 : X5 3 : A Analy sis of the Source Apportionm en t of PM 2. 5 in J inan W EN X in-x in , 2 , C U IZ hao-j ei , Z HANG Gu-i q in3 ( . School of Env ironm ental Science and Engineering, Shandong U niversity, Jinan 250 00, China; 2. CDC of Jinan Railw ay, Jinan 25000 , China; 3. Schoo l ofM unicipality and Environm ent, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250 0 , China) A bstrac t: The chem ical constituents of air and pollution sou rces of J inanw ere tested and analyzed. Source apportionm ent technolo- gy- CMB model is adopted and the sources of PM 2. 5 in Jinan w ere stud ied. It is show ed that the coal dust, veh icle exhausted dust, soil dust, ground dust, construction dust, steel dust, su lfate and n itrate are the m ain particu latem atter sources, and that dust in urban env-i ronm en t contributes more than mi ported dust and the PM2. 5 contribution value and the ratio of sources obviously change w ith season. K ey w ord s: PM2. 5; CMB model; contribute value; con tribute ratio PM2. 5 () , [ - 3]


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