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1468 2002 11 10 82 21 Natl Med J China, November 10, 2002, Vol 82, No. 21
刘明旭 王福生 洪卫国 王波 金磊 雷周云 侯静
! ∀ HIV1 CCR5 ( SNP)
;CCR5894C HIV1
CCR5 2PCR , 45 PCR
45 CCR5 6 SNP , 4 ( 184A# 503 # T
668 # A999 # T) ,; 1(894C ) ,
184A# 503 # T999 # T SNP
, 1. 11%, 21. 1% 10. 0%; 503 # T Hardy
Weinberg CCR5894C 1. 11%0.53% 0
,4 SNP ( 3) , 1
CCR5894C , SNP
! ∀ HIV1; ,CCR5; , ;
Identification of new mutant sites and 894C deletion variant genotyping of HIV1 coreceptor CCR5 in
indigenous Chinese populations LI U Mingxu , WANG F usheng ,HONG Weig uo, WANG Bo , JIN L ei, LEI
Zhouyun , HOU Jing . PLA K ey L aboratory or Prevention and Therapy o Hep atitis AIDS , 302 Hosp ital o PLA ,
Beij ing 100039 , China
! A stract∀ O jective To investigate the new single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP) sites of HIV1
coreceptor CCR5 gene and conduct genotyping of CCR5894C deletion allele in Chinese populations. Methods
The full length fragment of CCR5 gene coding region was amplified by PCR amplification and sequenced in 45
healthy subjects from Han ethnic group. The sequencing data was analyzed by using DNAstar software for
identification of new SNP sites. Furthermore, the genotyping of CCR5894C deletion variant was performed by
PCRRFLP assay in 627 indigenous Chinese individuals including HIV1 carriers, HIV1high risk population of
STDs or IDUs as well as normal contrast. Results Totally six SNPs and one cytosine base deletion at the 894
nucleotide of CCR5 gene coding region werefound in forty five Chinese Han subjects. Four SNPs, i.e.