唐刘肃《大唐新语》之文体性质探微 - 国立中兴大学中国文学系.PDFVIP

唐刘肃《大唐新语》之文体性质探微 - 国立中兴大学中国文学系.PDF

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唐刘肃《大唐新语》之文体性质探微 - 国立中兴大学中国文学系

唐劉肅《大唐新語》之文體性質探微 1 唐劉肅《大唐新語》之文體性質探微 Investigation of the Stylistics of Tatang Xinyu by Liu-shao 黃東陽 Tung-Yang Huang 國立臺北商業技術學院共同學科 Department of General Education, National Taipei College of Business 摘 要 唐代「世說體」承六朝小說遺緒,成為當時興盛事業,惟大凡僅存佚文,難窺 全書體貌,幸有劉肅《大唐新語》以足本傳世,自是探論唐代世說文體的重要線索。 本文即以此書作為研議標的,首先概述六朝時志人小說的文體特徵及類目,並考鏡 《大唐新語》版本流傳及佚文真偽,以釐清文體的承繼淵源,求取研議文本的正確 性;至於文體,則在細究《大唐新語》自序和體例、以及比對《世說新語》立意及 分門後,已董理出撰寫命意及文體特徵:見劉肅以史官心態評議史事,卻好任情臧 貶,摘錄又多摻入異聞奇事,皆悖於史家筆法,而近於小說家言。因此《大唐新語》 號稱《世說》裔族,卻多用史家筆法摘錄史事,依違於史傳與小說間,而這正呈顯 著唐代世說體的文體特徵。 關鍵詞: 《大唐新語》,劉肅,世說體,志人小說,唐代小說,筆記小說 ABSTRACT This paper thus investigates the stylistics of shishuoti in terms of the work. First is an overview of the characteristics and genre of anecdote novels in the Six Dynasties and in- vestigation of the authenticity of the work by comparing the current version and fragmental works in order to elucidate the heritage and connections of the genre and the authenticity of the work. The genre of the work is examined through the authors preface and stylistic rules and layout and comparing the intention and classification of the work. Finds indicated that though Liu-shao criticizes historical events from the historian viewpoint, his comments are often emotional. Furthermore, he adds various telltales to the work which has violated the historian discipline and demonstrated the manner of a novelist. Therefore, though it is con- -119 - 2 北商學報 sidered as an imitation of the Shishuo Xinyu, it is written in a historian tone without strictly following the historian disciplines but shifting between history and novel, which is the char- acteristic of shishuoti in the Tang Dynasty. Keywords: Tatang Xinyu, Liu Sho


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