aortic semilunar valve(主动脉瓣).ppt

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aortic semilunar valve(主动脉瓣)

* The Cardiovascular System PPT showed by Clinical medicine Dept ,class 6 group 3 Group leader of medical English subject: 郭涵 Group members :陶训勋 李丝丝 陈银妹 任芹 刘璐 戴晓峰 马强 龚宇 蒋凯南 沈海林 刘成 Section B Readings Passage One The Cardiovascular System Main contents: Structure of the cardiovascular system Primary functions of its organs Associated medical terms subdivision n.细分;分支 arteriole n. 小动脉 aorta n. 主动脉 platelike adj. 盘状的 carbon dioxide n. 二氧化碳 bloodstream n. 血流 lining n. 内层 venule n. 小静脉 valve n. 瓣膜 myocardium n. 心肌 endocardium n.心内膜 epicardium n.心外膜 pericardium n.心包 atrium 【复】atria n.心房 ventricle n. 心室 interventricular adj.(心)室间的 septum n. 隔 interatrial adj. (心)房间的 tunic n. 层 innermost adj. 最里层的 endothelium n. 内皮 oxygenate v. 氧合 replenish v. 补充 systemic circuit n. 体循环 vena cava【复】 venae cavae n.腔静脉 superior vena cava n. 上腔静脉 inferior vena cava n. 下腔静脉 tricuspid valve n. 三尖瓣 atrial adj. 心房的 semilunar adj.半月形的 mitral valve n.二尖瓣 bicuspid valve n.二尖瓣 ascending aorta n.升主动脉 thoracic aorta n.胸主动脉 vertebral column n.脊柱 abdominal aorta n.腹主动脉 diastole n.舒张期 systole n.收缩期 radial artery n.桡动脉 carotid artery n.颈动脉 dorsalis pedis n.足背 systolic pressure n.收缩压 mercury n.泵 diastolic pressure n.舒张压 mmHgn.毫米汞柱 The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and blood vessels. The heart is situated between the lungs with its apex directed toward the left. The thick muscle layer of the heart wall is the myocardium ,which is lined on the inside with a thin endocarium and is covered on the outside with a thin epicardium. The heart is contained with a fibrous sac, the pericardium. the upper receiving chambers of the heart are the atria. The lower pumping chambers are the ventricles. The interventricular septum separates the two ventricles; the interatrial septum divides the two atria. There are three major types of blood vessels, i.e. ,arteries, veins ,and ca


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