第二部分 选修六 Unit 2 What is happiness to you.ppt

第二部分 选修六 Unit 2 What is happiness to you.ppt

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第二部分 选修六 Unit 2 What is happiness to you

解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:我非常崇拜格林小姐,她除了漂亮之外还很聪明、善良、乐于助人。apart from“除…… 外(还)”,符合句意。except for(用于所言不包括的人或事物前)“除……之外”;instead of“代替”;but for“要不是”。 答案:C 1.(2013·江苏省高考命题研究专家原创卷)I admired Miss Green very much. ________ her prettiness, she was smart, kind and helpful. A.Except for        B.But for C.Apart from D.Instead of 解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我告诉特迪我的钱包被偷了后,他带着200美元的支票来帮我付房费。come to ones assistance为固定搭配,“来支援(或帮忙)”,符合句 意。attendance“出席,到场”;rescue“援救,解救”;safety“安全”。 答案:B 2.(2013·合肥四校质检)Teddy came to my ________ with a check of D 200 to pay my room rate, after I told him that my wallet had been stolen. A.attendance B.assistance C.rescue D.safety 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:新来者觉得很难使自己适应潮湿的天气。suit“适合,使相称”;adapt oneself to“使自己适应”;regulate“调节,控制”;coordinate“使协调”。 答案:B 3.(2013·南京三中模拟)The newcomers found it impossible to ________ themselves to the moist climate. A.suit B.adapt C.regulate D.coordinate 解析:句意:很少有人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。that引导同位语从句用来对prediction作进一步解释。 答案:C 4.(2013·苏北四市调研)Not many people agree with the governments prediction ________ the economy will improve. A.what B.which C.that D.whether 解析:句意:考试就在眼前,我们班的一些球迷被说服放弃踢球,集中精力学习。quit (doing) sth.“停止/放弃 (做)某事”,符合句意。 答案:C 5.(2013·湖南十二校联考)The examinations are around the corner.Some fans in our class are persuaded to________ football to focus on their studies. A.quit to play B.be quitted to play C.quit playing D.be quitted playing 解析:句意:一些动物通过改变颜色来适应环境。context “上下文”;surroundings“环境”;state“状态”;condition “状况”,表示环境时要用复数形式。 答案:B 6.(2013·皖北协作区联考)Some animals adapt to their ________ by changing colors. A.contexts B.surroundings C.state D.condition 7.(2013·南京模拟)________ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend ________ her. A.Warned; accompanied B.Having warned; accompanying C.Warning; accompanying D.Having been warned; accompanying 解析:warn和she构成被动关系,故排除B、C项;accompany与宾语a friend构成主动关系,故用-ing形式作宾补,排除A项。 答案:D 解析:句意:刚才他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。“款待我们”是“剪下葡萄”的目的,应用不定式; entertain与其逻辑主语之间为主动关系,故选B项。 答案:B 8.(


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