第十五章 助动词(81-85).doc

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第十五章 助动词(81-85)

第十五章 助动词(81-85) 第一节:助动词的特徵 第二节:助动词的用法 第三节:含助动词的慣用表現 〈第81卷〉 助动词(81-85) 助动词的特征 其后须接原形动词 现在式中,主词为第三人称单数,字尾不加s He cans speak English. 形成否定句,助动词后加not He cannot speak English. He doesn’t speak English. 形成疑问句时,直接将助动词置于主词前 He can speak English. Can he speak English? 两个助动词不能连用 You will can swim soon. You will be able to swim soon. 助动词的用法 can(could) [能力,许可,可能] 表[能力]=be able to He can speak Japanese, but he cannot/can’t write it. She tried to tie the rope, but she couldn’t(过去式). 她试图绑起绳子,但是她做不到。 I will be able to finish the paper, and go out to see the exhibition tomorrow. 明天我将能完成报告并去看展览。 I haven’t been able to recall his name. 我一直想不起他的名字。Have+not+pp+be able to 表[可能] It cannot be true. 他不可能是真的。助动词后一定要有原形动词 This kind of thing can happen every now and then. 这种事随时都可能发生。 A quarrel can sometimes cause trouble. 口角有时会引起麻烦。 The light in the sky could be a UFO. 过去式 天空中的光线可能是幽浮。 表[许可] You can come in if you have a ticket. 如果有票的话,就可以进来。 I’m afraid you can’t park your car here. 恐怕你不能把车停这里。 --Can I leave early because I’m not well today? 我今天状况不太好,可以早点离开么? --Certainly. 表[请求] Can you do me a favor? Could you do me a favor? 更为客气 注意 一般来说,对自己的行为会用Can I~? 而对对方的行为则用Could you~? Could you repeat your cell phone number, please? may(might) 表[许可] You may not chew gum in class. 上课的时候不能嚼口香糖。 --May I interrupt you? --Sure. 表[可能] 助动词跟形容词中间有一个缓冲 You may be right but I am against your opinion. His health may or may not turn for the better. 他的健康可能或者不可能好转。 She might not know that you are here. 她不可能会知道你在这儿。 might所表示的可能性较may低 〈第82卷〉 表[祈愿] May I never see a sight like that again! 愿我不会再看见那样的景象 观光 sightseen May you succeed. 祝你成功 must 表[义务,命令] You must return this book by next Tuesday. 下周二前,你必须要归还这本书。 You must not talk with your mouth full. 你不可以在嘴巴有东西的时候说话。 注意 must not 不可以,禁止 Must I really attend the meeting? --Yes, you must. --No, you need not. --No, you don’t have to. 注意 must=have to must只能用于现在式 其过去式只能用had to, 未来式用will have to, 完成式用have had to代替 I had to go to see the doctor because I caught a cold. 因为我感冒了,我必须去看医生


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