简化版 第9讲 长句的翻译.ppt

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简化版 第9讲 长句的翻译

* 悉尼翻译学院独家赞助。大赛协办方:南开大学、中国翻译协会社科翻译委员会、四川省翻译协会和成都通译翻译有限公司。 一、大赛形式: 本届大赛为英汉翻译,参赛原文发布于商务印书馆网站(/)、《英语世界》2013年第5期和《英语世界》官方博客 (/theworldofenglish)。 二、参赛要求: 1. 参赛者国籍、年龄、性别、学历不限。 2. 参赛译文须独立完成,不接受合作译稿。 3. 参赛译文及个人信息于截稿日期前发送至电子邮箱:yysjfyds@。 三、大赛时间: 起止日期:2013年5月1日~2013年7月20日。 奖项公布时间:2013年10月,在《英语世界》杂志、微博和博客中公布大赛评审结果。 第四届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛 * 四、奖项设置: 所有投稿将由主办单位组织专家进行评审,分设一、二、三等奖及优秀奖。一、二、三等奖获奖者将颁发奖金、奖品和证书,优秀奖获奖者将颁发证书和纪念奖。 六、特别说明: 1. 本届翻译大赛不收取任何费用。 2. 本届翻译大赛只接受电子版投稿,不接受纸质投稿。 3. 参赛译文一经发现抄袭或雷同,即取消涉事者参赛资格。 * 【翻译大赛原文】 The Alternate Life The alternate life is the consequence of the communications revolution of the last 30 years or so. There is another, highly competitive educational system, opposed in almost every essential way to traditional schooling, that operates on the child and youth from the age of 2. It takes up as much of his time as the school does, and it works on him with far greater effectiveness. … (节选自The Short Prose Reader (second edition) by Gilbert H. Muller and Harvey S. Wiener, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1982。题目为本刊所加。) ?(≈550字) * Lecture 9 Translation of long and difficult sentences 长句的翻译 经贸B22, B2 May27, 2013 * TED TALK FILMED FEB 2013; POSTED APR 2013 1. Taylor Wilson : My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors(核裂变反应堆) 2. Nilofer Merchant: Got a meeting? Take a walk 3. David Pogue : 10 top time-saving tech tips /talks * 1.Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors(核裂变反应堆) Taylor Wilson was 14 when he built a nuclear fusion reactor in his parents’ garage. Now 19, he returns to the TED stage to present a new take on an old topic: fission. Wilson, who has won backing to create a company to realize his vision, explains why he’s so excited about his innovative design for small modular fission reactors – and why it could be the next big step in solving the global energy crisis. Bio: At 14, Taylor Wilson became the youngest person to achieve fusion -- with a reactor born in his garage. Now he wants to save our seaports from


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