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香港本地營養補充品商店A local supplement store 策略Strategy 我們的策略是透過科學,製造最高品質、最具效果,同時能夠幫助成就事業的產品 Our strategy is to create the highest quality, effective, and sponsoring products through science 生物光子掃描儀 BioPhotonic Scanner 唯一能夠測量出身體防禦指數的儀器 Only machine that can measure your antioxidant health 簡便且非侵入性檢測方式 Easy non-invasive 具有科學實效 Scientifically validated 沒有任何一家公司有類似的儀器 No other company has a similar machine 換言之,In other words, 唯一能夠量化的公司 Only company that can measure 若無法量化,便不是科學 if you can’t measure, it’s not science 傳統直銷市場策略是-”相信我”策略;我們的策略 是”不要相信我,除非你能親眼證實” Traditional network marketing approach is a “trust me” approach – Pharmanex approach is a “don’t trust me, trust your own eyes” approach 消費者才能有最好的產品 consumers are taking the best products 唯一可以容易建立並鞏固您事業的公司 The only company that makes your business easier and more compelling 多數競爭者行銷策略都一樣 Most competitors’ marketing stories are the Same 產品效果的科學證據有限 Little scientific evidence of product efficacy 證據有限則形同沒有證據 Absence of evidence is evidence of absence 口說無憑 All talk, no proof 沒有第三單位認證、沒有獨特性、沒有研發及良好的品質 No independent validation, no uniqueness, no RD, no product quality 生物光子掃描儀榮獲國際性大獎 Scanner international awards 為什麼生物光子掃描儀能夠建立你的事業?Why the Scanner can build your business? 吸引經營者 Attracts business builders 更容易推廣產品Easier to promote products 更容易維持ARO訂單Stay on ADP program 建立持續性的顧客基礎,如此更容易達成業績 Build a sustaining customer base so that you can achieve your volume 每世紀,都會有改變世界的測量儀器問世Every once in awhile, an instrument changes the world 遍尋超級水果Searched for Superfruits 評估了數以百種的水果,希冀具備以下特質 …Evaluating hundreds of fruits for… 具優異的抗氧化能力 Extraordinary antioxidant power 具豐富營養價值 Extraordinary nutritional content 對身體健康益處方面具悠久歷史 Extraordinary historical health benefits 研發中心 活能飲品中的水果 木鱉果(中國苦脆瓜) Gac fruit (Chinese Bitter Cucumber -來自天堂的水果 Fruit from heaven 枸杞(雪果) Ch