General Entrusted Loan Contract一般委托贷款借款合同.doc

General Entrusted Loan Contract一般委托贷款借款合同.doc

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合同编号: 20 年  委借字 第 号 Contract No.: Y20 Entrusted Loan No.: 一般委托贷款借款合同 特别提示:本合同系各方在平等、自愿的基础上依法协商订立,所有合同条款均是各方意思的真实表示。为维护委托人、借款人的合法权益,受托人特提请委托人、借款人对有关各方权利义务的全部条款、特别是黑体部分内容予以充分注意。 Important notice:principle of equality and free will. All articles of the contract reflect true intentions of the parties. In order to protect the legal rights of the entruster and borrower, the entrustee reminds the entruster and borrower to be adequately cognizant of all articles concerning the parties’ rights and obligations, especially those in black (bold). 本合同由以下三方于 201 年 2 月 1 日签署: T 委托人: 名称 法定代表人 Legal Representative: 地址 邮编: Post Code: 联系人: 联系电话: Tel: 受托人: 名称 负责人 Responsible Person: 地址: 邮编: Post Code: 联系人: 联系电话: Tel: 借款人: 名称 法定代表人 Legal Representative: 地址: 邮编: Post Code: 联系人: 联系电话: Tel: 根据委托人和受托人于 201 年 2 月 1 日签署的《一般委托贷款委托代理协议》(编号 ),并应借款人请求,受托人同意接受委托人的委托向借款人发放该项委托贷款。委托人、受托人与借款人经友好协商,达成以下协议,并共同遵守。According to The Agency Agreement of General Entrusted Loan (No.: ) on February 1st, 2012 by the entruster and the entrustee, the entrustee agrees to accept the entrustment by the entruster and release such loan to the borrower at the borrower’s request. The entruster, the entrustee and the borrower have reached the following agreement to be abided by the parties after friendly negotiation. 一般委托贷款的金额、利率、期限及其它 第一条 贷款币种和金额。此项委托贷款币种为 人民币 ,金额为(大写) 陆百万元(小写)¥6,000,000.00 (大小写不一致时,以大写为准,下同)。此项贷款为委托贷款。The entrustment loan is denominated in Renminbi, with an amount of six million i.e.¥The loan is an entrustment loan. 第二


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