Go Dutch AA制.ppt

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Let’s Go Dutch Original AAto the word comes from China, but the concept comes from the West. Generally believed that, AA is the abbreviation(缩写) of Algebraic Average(“代数平均”). In Hong Kong AA is the abbreviation (缩写) of All Apart . “AA制”这个词来源于中国,但理念来源于西方。普遍认为,“AA”是“Algebraic Average”的缩写,意为“代数平均”。在香港地区也有认为“AA”是“All Apart”的缩写,意为“全部分开”。 The concept of AA from the maritime (海运的) trade power ,but also the seeds of capitalism(资本主义) to the Netherlands(荷兰) . Dutch merchants(商人) have been derived from the pay account The habit of maritime trade flows and strong treat after a person, who were invited may never see him again。 In order to be fair ,the Dutch proposedlets go dutch! The view which means Let the Dutch way to do it, that is, to pay all accounts. Since then, go dutch there will be a split(分开) means is AA system. “AA制”的理念来源于海上贸易强国同时也是资本主义萌芽地的荷兰。当时的荷兰商人已经衍生出了“各付各帐”的习惯,因为海上贸易流动性强,一个人请客后,被请的人可能一辈子都见不到了,为了达到公平的目的,荷兰人就提出了“Lets go dutch!”的观点,意思是“让我们以荷兰人的方式来办吧”,即“各付各帐”。自此之后,“go dutch”就有了“平分”的意思,也就是“AA制”。 love boy girl AA 1、Dutch[英] [d?t?] [美] [d?t?] adj. 荷兰人的,荷兰的,荷兰语的 n. 荷兰; 荷兰语; 各付各的账; 酒后之勇 the Dutch prime minister. 荷兰首相 We went Dutch on a meal in the new restaurant.我们在一家新开的饭馆里AA制吃的饭。 2、vitality[英] [va??t?l?ti:] [美] [va??t?l?ti] n.活力; 生气; 生命力; 持久性 Mr Li said Chinas reforms had brought vitality to its economy. 李先生说中国的改革给其经济注入了活力。 3、fragile[英] [?fr?d?ail] [美] [?fr?d??l, -?a?l] adj. 易碎的,脆的; 虚弱的 ?He leaned back in his fragile chair. 他仰靠在那把摇摇晃晃的椅子上。 ?He felt irritated and strangely fragile, as if he were recovering from a severe bout of flu. 他感到恼火和莫名其妙的虚弱,仿佛经历了一场重感冒 ,正在康复。 4、chivalry[英] [???v?lri:] [美] [???v?lri] n. (中世纪的)骑士制度; 骑士气概,骑士品质 ?Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry. 玛丽好像陶醉在他那旧式的骑士风度里。 5、echo[?ek?u,?ko] n. 回声,共鸣; (言语、作风、思想等的)重复; 重复者; [无线电]回波 vt. 重复,效仿; 随声附和; 类似; 发射(声音等) vi. 被重复; 产生回响; 充满回声 ?He heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice. 他只听见了自己的回音。 ?The room echoed. 屋子里回荡着声音。 ?Political attacks work only if they find an echo with vote


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