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乔治·华盛顿,美国首任总统,美国独立战争大陆军总司令。连任两届后自愿放弃权力不再续任,开始隐退。由于他扮演了美国独立战争和建国中最重要的角色,故被尊称为美国国父,学者们则将他和亚伯拉罕·林肯、富兰克林·罗斯福并列为美国历史上最伟大的总统。 George Washington, the first president of the United States, the commander in chief of the Continental Army American War of independence. After two terms to voluntarily give up power no longer continue, began to fade. Because he played the most important war of independence and the founding of the United States of Americas role, it is known as the father of the United States, scholars will he and Abraham Lincoln, Franklin I as the greatest presidents in the history of the United States of america. Small story 华盛顿是美国第一位总统。他是孩子的时候,砍掉他父亲的两棵樱桃树。 他父亲回来了,非常生气。他暗自思量,“如果我查明谁砍了我的树,我要狠狠揍他一顿。” 他父亲到处询问。当他问儿子时,华盛顿开始哭了起来。 “我砍了你的树!”华盛顿和盘托出。 父亲抱起他的儿子说:“我好聪明的孩子,我宁愿失去一百棵树,也不愿听你说谎。” 华盛顿14岁时在自家的后院里栽了一棵苹果树。他父亲见到后对他说:“你若想吃到苹果,就应该把它种在有阳光的地方,并且不断给它浇水施肥。”在转身离去的时候,父亲又加了一句:“如果你帮助别人得到了他想要的,你就能得到你想要的。” Washington was the first president of the United States of america. When he was a child, cut down his fathers two cherry tree. His father came back, very angry. He thought, if I find out who cut my tree, I want to beat him up. His father asked. When he asked his son, Washington began to cry. I cut your tree! Washington emerge in its totality. The father took his son to say: I am very clever child, I would rather lose one hundred trees, is not willing to listen to your lies. Washington at the age of 14 in the backyard in planted an apple tree. He said to his father: if you want to see after the apple, you should put it in the sun, and continue to give it water and fertilizer. Turn left at the time, he added: if you help others to get what he wants, you can get what you want. Statue of Liberty, bronze statues, 47 meters high pedestal, like high 46 meters, 93 meters high total, re-229 tons, the French sculptor Augustus escalator clause Pakistan Tao (Auguste Bartholdi ,1834 - 1904) Design, completed in 1886, is located in New York Port Menpangthefreedom of the island. Statue


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