Go to Berlin by Thumb 搭车去柏林英文版.ppt

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Guo Xutong marketing;你是否曾怀揣 环游世界的梦想 Have you ever had a dream to travel the world;退缩总有太多理由… There are always many reasons for us to avoid facing the world... ;Today,I want to introduce a true story to you Go to Berlin by Thumb;;Start: Houhai,Beijing After 88 days End: Berlin ;;; The pair left Beijing‘s Houhai on June 8, 2009 in the rainy day. carrying backpacks stuffed with visas from 12 countries, and also cash, bankcards, sleeping bags, laptops, video cameras and clothes. 他们离开北京的后海在雨中携带的背包里塞满了来自12个国家,现金,银行卡,签证2009年6月8日睡袋,笔记本电脑,摄像机和衣服。 The mission was to get to the German capital where Gus German girlfriend lives, but along the way they learned a lot about human nature. 任务是去德国首都顾的德国女朋友住在哪里,但是,一路上他们学到了许多关于人类的本性。;They estimated they were rejected by more than 1,000 drivers, and had particularly difficult times in Uzbekistan where pick-up is unknown. 他们估计他们超过1000的司机拒绝,并有特别困难的时期,在乌兹别克斯坦搭便车是未知的。;In Georgia, we met a drunk driver who drove us in a fast Speed like in a movie, said Liu. In Kurdistan, Iraq. a tractor driver took us to a village where they were putting out fire in a big house. After putting out the fire, the locals and an uncle invited us for dinner. 在格鲁吉亚,我们遇到了一个酒后驾车的司机把我们像电影里一样的速度,”刘说。”在伊拉克库尔德斯坦,拖拉机司机带我们去了一个村庄,他们把一个大房子着火了。灭火后,当地人和一个叔叔邀请我们吃晚饭。”;;If possible, please pick us up for our journey. We wont give you money but we can give you smiles and cigarettes. 如果可能的话,请选择让我们搭车。我们不会给你钱,但我们可以给你的微笑和香烟。;;;;;;;In front of Berlin‘s Brandenburg Gate, two Chinese hitchhikers, Liu Chang (right) and Gu Yue. they started their jouney from Beijing ,through 13 countries in three and a half months last year. 在柏林的勃兰登堡门前,两名中国旅行者,刘畅(右)和古月提出后不久,他们从北京出发的16000公里的行程。通过13个国家,花了三个半月。;When they finally arrived in Berlin, Gus girlfriend said, You should come to see me by air next time. 当他们终于抵达柏林,顾的女朋友说,“你下一次应该坐飞机来看我。”;每个人心中都有一条路, there is a way in everyone’s heart, 对于那些想去看看这个世界 到底长什么样的人来说, For those who want to see the world 重要的不是去哪, it’s not important to decide where


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