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“I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind”( 书名取自恩斯特·道森的诗:“我忘却的太多了,Cynara!随风而去。” ) The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies. About the author: Margaret Mitchell(玛格丽特·米切尔) “Gone with the Wind” embodies Margaret (1900.10.8 - 1949.8.16) ten years of effort, this is the only publication of her novel during her life. She began writing “Gone with the Wind” in 1926, 10 years after the work was published. Inception in 1936, the novel has sold briskly, not only in the United States, but around the world are loved by readers. 玛格丽特·米切尔凭借唯一一部长篇小说《飘》声名大振,奠定了她在文学领域的崇高地位。 主要作品: 1934 - Things Are Looking Up(渐有起色) 1935 - The Village Squire (乡村奇士) 1935 - Gentlemens Agreement (绅士的协议) 1935 - Look Up and Laugh 1937 - Fire Over England - 英伦战火/火烧英伦 1937 - Dark Journey (黑暗旅程) 1937 - Storm in a Teacup (茶杯里的风暴) 1937 - 21 Days 1938 - A Yank at Oxford 1938 - St. Martins Lane 1939 - Gone with the Wind(乱世佳人、飘) (获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖) 1940 - Waterloo Bridge(魂断蓝桥) 1941 - That Hamilton Woman(汉密尔顿夫人)(又译:绝代佳人/ 忠魂鹃血离恨天) 1946 - Caesar and Cleopatra(凯撒和克利奥帕特拉) 1947 - Anna Karenina - 安娜卡列琳娜 1951 - A Streetcar Named Desire (欲望号街车)(获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖) 1955 - The Deep Blue Sea 1961 - The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (罗马之春)  1965 - Ship of Fools(愚人船) Scarlett 费雯有一双慧黠的大眼睛,精致的脸庞。据说当年邱吉尔曾在一个聚会上见到费雯,手下的人对他说:“你可接见她的呀。”可是邱吉尔说:“不,我要远远地欣赏上帝的杰作。”尽管受到病痛的折磨,费雯惊人的美貌迅速逝去,可是她永远留在观众们心中的是她在《乱世佳人》中不朽的形象。 Vivien Leigh has a pair of large intelligent eyes, delicate face,. Churchill was said to have been at a gathering to see Vivien Leigh , and someone said to him: You can meet her. But Churchill said: No, I have to far to enjoy Gods masterpiece. Despite the pain tortured, Barbara astonishing beauty rapidly passing away, but she will always remain in the hearts of the audience are her Gone with the Wind immortal image. This story was happened during the American Civil War(美国南北战争).Scarlett (斯卡利特,或斯嘉丽)was a beautiful and nourish girl who spent her young maiden years at Tara Manor(塔拉庄园).She


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