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Test 16 这药会缓解病人的头疼吗?(relieve) 他突然意识到自己犯了一个多么愚蠢的错误。(how) 记者利用中场休息采访了教练和场上队长。(advantage) 微博因其快捷、方便和高效受到了各个年龄层次的欢迎。(popular) 父母亲做出很多牺牲,为的是他么的子女将来的生活得好一些。(sacrifice) Test 16 这药会缓解病人的头疼吗?(relieve) Will the medicine relieve the patient of his bad headache? 2. 他突然意识到自己犯了一个多么愚蠢的错误。(how) He suddenly realize how silly a mistake he had made. 3. 记者利用中场休息采访了教练和场上队长。(advantage) The reporter interviewed the coach and the field captain by taking advantage of the interval. 4. 微博因其快捷、方便和高效受到了各个年龄层次的欢迎。(popular) Miro-blogging is getting popular among different age groups because it is fast, conventient, and efficient. 5. 父母亲做出很多牺牲,为的是他么的子女将来的生活得好一些。(sacrifice) Parents mak a lot of sacifice so that their children can live better in the future. Test 17 报道的镜头对准了非法经营的煤矿。(focus) 老师原谅了他的粗心,并答应再给他一次机会。(forgive) 鉴于他身体不好,老师准许他不参加校运动会开幕式。(excuse) 许多人喜欢玩电子游戏的原因是因为可以享受到生活中无法获得的成就感和满足感。(sense) 香港理工大学的目标是培养即拥有专业知识又具备独立思考能力、良好沟通技巧及广阔视野的学生。(The Hongkong Polytechnic University, equip… with) Test 17 报道的镜头对准了非法经营的煤矿。(focus) The report foucused on coal mines that were run illegally. 2. 老师原谅了他的粗心,并答应再给他一次机会。(forgive) The teacher forgave him for his carelessness, and promised him another chance. 3. 鉴于他身体不好,老师准许他不参加校运动会开幕式。(excuse) Given his poor condition, the teacher excused him from attending the opening ceremony of the sports meeting. 4. 许多人喜欢玩电子游戏的原因是因为可以享受到生活中无法获得的成就感和满足感。(sense) Many people like to play video games because they can enjoy a sense of achievement/ accoplishment and satisfaction that can not be get/ obtained from their lives. 5. 香港理工大学的目标是培养即拥有专业知识又具备独立思考能力、良好沟通技巧及广阔视野的学生。(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, equip… with) It is the aim of the Hong kong Polytechnic University to equip students not only with professional knowledge but also the ability of independent thinking, good communication skills and a global look. Test 18 母亲给女儿发来短信,祝贺她再次当选班长。(congratulate) 他虽然聪明,但不大可能把他的全部时间投入他的工作。(… as…) 尽管他的同事对他提出指控,但他不断否认接受了任何贿赂。(deny) 我们本打算在电视上做广告,但最总决定通过网络广告来促销我们的产品。(int


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