GRE 第07讲 写作.pptx

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第七讲 GRE Issue;对于美国学生来说: 八股文考试 更看重本科的写作训练,GRE一般过了4分就足够了 对于中国学生来说: 除了TOEFL以外另一个证明自己英文写作实力的地方 不可以轻视 ;训练方向: 流利的英文写作能力 文章中的逻辑思维体系;美国人怎么写作?;如果一篇文章的篇幅不够,是很难把问题详细讨论清楚的 就GRE而言,Argument不可低于400字,Issue不可低于450字,在此基础上越多越好 30分钟里,要想写得多,就得写得快 打字速度快 写作速度快;打字速度(次要) http://10/typing-test/english 写作速度(主要) 构思速度 --- 写作先写提纲 文章组织速度 --- 对文章结构的熟悉程度;语法错 越少越好,写GRE写作时,尽量训练25-27分钟就能写完,留下3-5分钟proofreading 语法点 越丰富越好,追求灵活 主动语态、被动语态、主语/宾语/表语/状语/补语从句、插入语、强调句、倒装句 前提是没有语法错误,及语义表达清晰;美国人对用词表述的灵活性要求极高 词汇的同义替换 …good…good…good…good…good… ?…good…great…fantastic…wonderful…extraordinary …says…says…says…says…?…says…states…argues…believes…claims…illustrates… ;句子的同义转换 Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final [research] paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes. ;句子的同义转换 In research papers students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essentially to minimize the material recorded verbatim.;句子的同义转换 Students should take just a few notes in direct quotation from sources to help minimize the amount of quoted material in a research paper. ;高级英语表达 many? various happiness ? delight although ? despite, in spite of… however ? nonetheless, nevertheless, whereas face ? be confronted with improve my skills ? hone my skills devoted into doing something ? spare no efforts to do something/go to any length to do something something is good ? something is fascinating ? something never fails to fascinate me;GRE考试是一个对逻辑的考察,其中写作部分Argument的设置最能体现这一点。但是同样的,在Issue的写作中也必须体现出清楚明了的逻辑思维架构,才能够取得高分。;文章结构 第一段Introduction写什么,第二三四主体段写什么,让步写不写放在哪里写 主题句:Topic Sentences 过渡句:Transition Sentences ;介绍写作的背景,引出自己的观点,再介绍文章的结构 从大到小的范围收缩;初级: 三个并列论点 每段结构为 论点+论据+论点重述;中级:


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