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1、名词【要点点拨】一.??可数名词的复数构成规则:1.规则变化:加-s, -es;?辅音字母加y结尾的去y加ies;把f/ fe变成ves;(1)keys , three Henrys; stomachs; safes; beliefs; proofs; roofs; gulfs; chiefs; heroes; potatoes; tomatoes; Negroes; dingoes A(2)?缩写,数字,字母等在后面加s或’s都可,如: some VIPs (VIP’s); in his 50s / 50’s; in the 1990s / 1990’s; There are two t’s in the word “letter”.2.不规则变化:(1)??men , children , feet, teeth, geese, mice; oxen等;(2)??单复数形式相同:sheep; deer; fish; means; works(工厂); Chinese; Japanese; Swiss; (teas, fruits, fishes, metals等表示种类);(3)只有复数形式:trousers, glasses(眼镜);remains(遗体/物);clothes; ashes; contents(目录); goods; customs(海关); arms(武器);(4)复合名词的复数形式: shoe shops; lookers-on; grown-ups; passers-by; daughters-in-law(5)表示某国人的复数形式:A:单复一样:Chinese / Japanese) B:?把man变成men : Englishmen; Frenchmen; C:其它加s (包括Germans)二、?不可数名词1.量的表示:用some / a little / much等表示数量的词(组)及单位名词(量词),用得较多的有piece, article, bottle, head, loaf, bar等:a piece of advice / bread / news / information / equipment / chalk / cloth / clothing / music / work / furniture / paper / wood / baggage; a loaf of bread; a bar of chocolate ; two head of cattle2.不可数名词具体化:?These games are great successes; The party was a great success.三、?名词的所有格:1.表示有生命的名词后加’s,?如一样东西为几人共有,则在最后一个名词后加’s: Jack and Tom’s room(两人共有的房间); Jack’s and Tom’s rooms(两人各自的房间);表示无生命的名词的所有格用of表示:the windows of the room;(但表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命的名词后也可加’s: China’s industry; today’s paper; ten minutes’ walk)2.表示“某人家里”“某店铺”等的名词所有格后省略所修饰的名词:at my aunt’s (house); at the doctor’s (office); go to the chemist’s (shop);3.双重所有格:a / an / this / that / these / those / some / any / a few / no / every / several / such / another / which?等+名词+of +…..’s /?名词性物主代词(表示“部分”的概念或表示某种感情色彩,如:赞赏、讨厌等);比较:a friend of her mother’s她母亲的一个朋友(强调她母亲的朋友中的一位,为双重所有格)a friend of her mother她母亲的朋友(强调两人间的关系,为of所有格)a picture of his brother’s(他弟弟的所拥有的照片中的一张,照片上不一定是他本人)a picture of his brother(他弟弟本人的一张照片,照片上就是他本人)四、名词作定语修饰名词:前一个名词表示后一个名词的特点、性质及用途;(1)一般前面的名词用单数形式,复数加在后面主体名词上:shoe shop(s); story book(s); coffee cup(s); physics teacher(s);?个别名词修饰


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