自学 Unit 3 new words and expressions.ppt

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自学 Unit 3 new words and expressions

;;;;;;;1. compromise: vi. 妥协,折衷 compromise with sb. We can not compromise on such terms. I would rather die than compromise. vt. 连累(使暴露或容易引起危险、怀疑或败坏名声) e.g. Such conduct will compromise your reputation. n. e.g. make compromise with 与...妥协 ;compromise: 词组;; 3. subtle: a. 1) 难以察觉或描述的;细微的;精细的;4. illusion;;;7 overlook:; neglect overlook slight 都含“忽略”、“疏忽”的意思。 neglect强调“疏忽”、“忽略”; overlook指“由于粗心、放任而没看出或采取行动”; slight 强调“轻蔑, 怠慢”, He neglected his health. He overlooked my errors. He seems to slight the news writer. ;8. bud: n. v. e.g. a plant that buds in early spring. 在早春发芽的植物 be in bud 发芽; 含苞欲放 nip sth in the bud 扼杀...于萌芽状态; 防...于未然 budding: a. beginning to develop well e.g. a budding novelist 崭露头角的小说家;9. counsel:;;11. harbor:;12) reservation:;make [procure] reservations 定座, 定房间(等); 附保留条件 mental reservation (讲话或宣誓时)有所保留 with reservations 有保留地 with reservation of sth. 除某物之外, 以某物为保留条件 without reservation 直率地, 坦白地; 无条件地 write for reservations 写信预定座位(等);13) prejudice:;13) prejudice:;14. indicate: vt. 作为一种标志、症状或象征; 指出, 显示, 象征, 预示 e.g. A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow 一个路标给我们指出应走的路。 Fever indicates sickness. She indicated her approval with a nod. indication: n. e.g. smiles, frowns, and other indications of emotion. There are various indications that ... 种种迹象表明…;14. confirm: vt. 1) e.g. The experiment confirmed his theory. 实验印证了他的理论. 2) e.g. They confirmed their hotel booking by telephone. 他们通过电话确认房间预定一事. 3) ratify (a treaty, appointment, ect.) 批准(条约,任命等) e.g. The senate confirmed him as Secretary of State. 参议院批准他为国务卿. ;15. suspect: vt. 1) 猜想,认为某事真的或可能的 e.g. He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money. 2) 怀疑,不信任 e.g. I suspect the truth of her statement. 3) ~ sb. of (doing) 怀疑某人有罪 e.g. The police suspect her of mu


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