自考高级英语下lesson 3语言点.pptx

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自考高级英语下lesson 3语言点

it is the other way around. : the opposite of what is expected or supposed. 正好相反 I was accused of stealing money from her but in fact it was the other way round. 说我偷了她的钱,其实正好相反,是她偷了我的钱。 This one for waxing and this for polishing. Oh, no, I think its the other way round. 那个用于打蜡,这个用来抛光。哦,不对,我看正好说反了。 harried [hærid] adj.被困扰的;受折磨的 vt.harry的变形 harry [hæri] vt. 1. 烦扰,骚扰;折磨,使苦恼: He was harried by constant bothering of his fans. 他的崇拜者的不断打扰令他十分苦恼。 2. 抢劫,掠夺;蹂躏;(不断)袭击: The enemy troops harried the village.敌人部队洗劫了村庄。 3. 强使前进,推(某人)前进: We were harried into the police car.我们被推进了警车。 conflict (v): (of opinions, desires, etc.) be in opposition or disagreement; be incompatible 不一致;冲突 Their account of events conflicts with ours. 他们对事件的说法与我们截然不同。 Do British laws conflict with any international laws? 英国法与国际法是否有相违背之处? allot (v): give (time, money, duties, etc.) as a share of what is available; apportion sth. 分配;分给 The principal allotted each grade a part in the Christmas program. 校长分给每个年级一部分圣诞礼物。 We did the work within the time theyd allotted to us. 我们在规定的时间内完成了任务。 available (a): (of things) that can be used or obtained ; (of people) free 可用的;可得到的;有空的 This ticket is available until the end of the month. 本票到月底前有效。 Jack is not available for the job; he has other work. 杰克现在没空干这份工作,他有别的活要做。 pass for: be accepted as 被认为;被当作 He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman. 他法语流利得让人以为他是法国人。 In this small village he passes for a wise man. 在这个小村里,人们把他看成一位智者。 get over with; complete sth. unpleasant but necessary 结束必须做的讨厌事 She‘ll be glad to get the exam over with. 等考试结束她就高兴了。 He looked upon the wedding ceremony as a mere formality --- something to be got over with as quickly as possible. 他只把婚礼看成一种形式,一件应尽快了结的事。 get sth over to sb. 使某人了解某事 The government should have got the fact over to the public. 政府本应该让公众了解事实。 color (v): give a special effect or feeling to (a person, event, etc.) 影响 Don’t allow personal loyalty to color your judgment. 不要因讲义气而影响了你的判断。 One s poi


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