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Homeless unit 14 In terms of organization, the article clearly falls into three main parts: (Paragraphs 1-3) starts with a specific example and then naturally moves on to the discussion of the topic. (Paragraphs 4-7) gives a definition of home and points out the symptoms of the problem concerning home in modern society. (Paragraphs 8-9) is also the ending of the writing, the writer talks about the fault of society in dealing with the problem of homelessness and calls on people to look at the problem from a microcosmic perspective. Summary of the Text 本文可以被视为作者对于现代社会中人们痛失精神家园的深刻反思。第一部分中作者以一个具体人物的事例为切入点,很自然地过渡到了对于无家可归这一社会现象的探讨。 在第二部分的主体议论中,她对于“家”这个字眼进行了全新的阐述,从情感归属和精神支持的角度对家重新定义,指出了现代社会存在的问题——“家”已经不再是我们一辈子居住的地方,曾经代表着家的房子在房地产市场上被频繁地买卖,现代人买房靠按揭,住在家里的人也不能够再体会到归属感和拥有的自豪感;现代人一生之中可能不断地搬家,家也已经不再是稳固和永久的象征,作者由此进一步指出现代社会的主要问题之一就是“家”所蕴含的传统意义和传统家庭价值观的丧失。 在最后一部分她指出了整个社会在处理这一事件上的不足,进一步呼吁应该从情感和精神内涵的层面去关注现代社会的成员,从而赋予“家”这个词所应有的温情和美好。 (2)方法上采用了大量的例证(Exemplification),下定义(Definition), 作对比(Comparison and Contrast),从而使得论述透彻深刻。 Exemplification:In paragraph one,the author begins with an example,then start to discuss the problem of homelessness. Definition:Home is where the heart is.(paragraph 4).She gives a broadened definiton of home,reminding the readers of its emotionalaspects and spiritual functions. (3)文章中作者为了增加文字的感染力,也使用了押头韵(alliteration)的修辞方法。 She was not adrift, alone, anonymous .(Para. 2) An Overview of Homelessness in the United States Homelessness in the United States remains a focus area of concern of social service providers, government officials, and policy professionals. In 2009, the United Economics Commission divided homelessness into two categories: Primary homelessness and Secondary homelessness. Primary homelessness refers to persons living in the streets without a shelter that would fall within the scope of living quar


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