How do you understand love.ppt

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How do you understand love? * * Love exists in every aspects of our life, and in many forms of friendship, kinship, love... Every day we enjoy the love of others, also in each own way to love 刘伟:用灵魂演奏生命音符Liu Wei: playing with the soul of life  My life is only two ways, either quickly die, or wonderful alive.“我的人生中只有两条路,要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活着。” 当命运的绳索无情地缚住双臂,当别人的目光叹息生命的悲哀,他依然固执地为梦想插上翅膀,用双脚在琴键上写下:相信自己。那变幻的旋律,正是他努力飞翔的轨迹。 When the fate of the rope mercilessly bound arms, when others sigh life sorrow, he still stubbornly for dream wings, with both feet on the keys wrote: believe in yourself. The change of the melody, is he to fly trajectory , I have deep love for this country. I love every inch of its land and every river that flows on its earth. My heart will always belong to my noble hopes and, for this, I would have no regrets even if I died nine times over. With this strong believe, I will continue my work in the following three years. 鞠躬尽瘁死而后已是他的真实写照,哪里最危险,哪里的人民需要他,他就出现在他们身边,给以他们爱和关心 One spare no effort is a true portrayal of him, where is the most dangerous, where the people need him, he appeared on their side, they give love and care Give the world the best you have, And it may never be enough; Give the world the best you have anyway. 将你所拥有最好的东西献给世界,可能永远都不够,不管怎样,还是要将最好的东西付出


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