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iBT新托福镇魂单词题(词汇题)全集(打印版)1. a matter of speculation =supposition n. 推断2. a solicitation of =an invitation of n. 垦求;垦请3. abandoned= left a. 被遗弃的4. aberrant= abnormal a. 脱离常轨的,5. abort= quit v. 夭折;中止6. abrupt=sudden adj.突然的7. abruptly= suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地8. absorb =appeal v. 吸收;被…吸引9. absorb= learn(学习) v. 吸收10. absorb= take in v. 吸收;被…吸引11. abstract= not concrete a. 抽象的;非实际的12. absurd= ridiculous a. 荒谬的;可笑的13. abundance= great number n. 大量14. abundance= large amount n. 大量15. abundant = affluent a. 丰富的;大量的16. abundant= ample a. 丰富的;大量的17. abundant= numerous a. 丰富的;大量的18. abundant= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的19. abundant= substantial a. 丰富的;大量的20. abundant=ample adj.丰富的21. abundantly= plentifully ad. 丰富地;大量地22. access =reach v. 接近23. accessible =easy to reach a. 易接近的24. accessible =reachable a. 可接近的25. accidental =unexpected a. 意外的;偶然的26. accommodate= provide for v. 提供27. accomplished =achieved a. 实现完成的28. accomplished =skilled a. 熟练的29. account for= explain v. 说明30. account= description n. 说明31. accumulate =collect v. 积累;聚集32. accumulate =pile up v. 积累;聚集聚集33. accumulate=build up 积累34. accurate =correct a. 正确的35. accurately= correctly ad. 正确地36. acknowledge= recognize v. 承认37. actually= in fact ad. 事实上38. added =extra a. 附加的;额外的39. adept =skilled a. 熟练的40. adherent= supporter n. 拥护者41. adherent=advocate n.追随者,提倡者42. adjacent =nearby a. 毗连的43. adjacent =neighboring a. 毗连的44. adjust= modify v. 调整;改变…以适应45. administer = manage v. 管理46. admit= let in v. 准许进入47. adopt= enact v. 采用48. advance= improvement n. 发展;增长49. advent= arrival n. 出现;到来50. advent= beginning n. 出现;到来51. affair= matter n. 事件;事情52. afford= provide v. 提供;给予53. aggravate =annoy v. 使恼火54. aggravate= increase v. 加重;增剧55. aggregate= combined a. 聚集的;合计的56. aggregate= overall a. 聚集的;合计的57. aggregation=group n.聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体58. agile= astute a. 灵活的;敏捷的59. agile= clever a. 灵活的;敏捷的60. agile= move and act quickly a. 灵活的;敏捷的61. agile= quick and active a. 灵活的;敏捷的62. air= feeling n. 气氛63. alarm= sound v. 警报64. alarm= warning n.


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