ice age字幕.docx

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什么声音? 艾丽你听见了吗?What was that? Ellie, did you hear that?我听到啦曼尼不管是怎么回事都离我们远着呢I heard it, Manny. Whatever it is, its miles away.桃子你还好吧?Peaches, are you all right?她去哪了?Where is she?没有哪个年轻人会起来这么早的No teenager is ever up early.放松啦监狱长她又不是在关一级禁闭Easy warden, shes not on lockdown.你们两个是怎么当人家叔叔的!You two were supposed to be responsible uncles!什么? 我可没看见桃子15或20分钟之前偷偷溜出去了What? I didnt see Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago.也没看见她和路易斯去瀑布了Or that she went with Louis to the falls.瀑布? 那些小流氓常去的那个?The falls? Where the delinquents go?轻松点那只是孩子们常去闲逛的地方而已Relax, its just where the kids hang out.不不那里简直是流氓聚集地No, no, its a gateway hangout.先是去了瀑布然后她就会在她鼻子上穿鼻环...First its the falls, then shes piercing her trunk...然后你肯定会发现她就沉溺于浆果里了and the next thing you know, shes addicted to berries.曼尼! 你反应太过度了Manny! You are overreacting.她不可能永远都做你的那个小姑娘Shes not going to be your little girl forever.我知道我就是在担心这个I know. Thats what worries me.快点!Come on!路易斯!Louis!你就不能把脑袋钻出地面一会上来爽一下?Would you get your head out of the ground for once and try to have a little fun?我是只鼹鼠我的脑袋本来就是该在地下的Im a molehog. My heads supposed to be underground.而且我对爽的定义是不要冒生命的险你也能去见某只可爱的猛犸象And my idea of fun isnt risking death so that you can meet some cute mammoth.伊桑那不叫可爱叫性感Ethan isnt cute. Hes hot.还有你也不可能一生都过得小心翼翼的Besides, you cant spend your whole life playing it safe.- 我就知道我会这样 - 老爸?- I know I would. - Dad?没什么生气的理由吧Theres no reason to be mad.你知道我听到你要去瀑布是什么感觉嘛You know how I feel about you going to the falls.尤其你还是一个人Especially alone.她并不是一个人先生Shes not alone, sir.你不算数维纳You dont count, Weiner.好吧那确实是我的定位你说的很对谢了Yes, theres my place, and you just put me in it, thank you.走吧小淑女Come on, young lady.我们回家这样我就能照看着你了Were going home where I can keep an eye on you.那么我是该在这等着呢还是...So, should I just wait here, or...好吧你吓不到我的大自然的力量啊!Yeah, you dont scare me, Mother Nature!你考验我的任何东西我都能摆平Theres nothing you can throw at me that I cant handle.我想我们快到了!I think were almost there!最好是这样! 我把方向盘丢了We had better be! I just lost the steering.有人看到小宝贝了吗? 到她喂食时间了Has anyone seen Pr


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