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自由基生物学与疾病(双语课程) Free Radical Biology and Diseases 课程简介 自由基生物学是研究在生物体内自由基的产生、转化和清除,反应机制及生物学作用的一门新兴边缘学科。二十世纪40 年代,科学家们在对脂类的过氧化机制的研究中注意到了自由基所起的作用;1968年,科学家们发现了生物体中存在的清除自由基的生物酶 —— 超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD),这成为自由基生物学中的重要里程碑。随着自由基生物学的发展,自由基医学也应运而生。自由基医学是以自由基生物学为基础,研究自由基与人体疾病和健康的相关性的一门新兴边缘学科。1998年的诺贝尔生理或医学奖授予了一氧化氮自由基(NO●)及其生理功能的发现者,充分显示了世界生命科学界对自由基生物学和自由基医学研究成果的高度评价。本课程将以英文原版教材为基础,结合当前国际上自由基生物学 Free radical biology is a new interdisciplinary science which studies the mechanisms of free radical formation, conversion and scavenging, reactions and functions in biological systems. In 1940s, scientists noticed the role of free radicals played in the lipid peroxidation. In 1968, the discovery of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a free radical scavenging enzyme in biological system, became an important milestone in free radical biology. With the development of free radical biology, free radical medicine also came into being. Free radical medicine is an emerging interdisciplinary science which is based on free radical biology to study the correlations between free radicals and human diseases and health. 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the discoverers of the nitric oxide radical (NO●) and its physiological functions, which fully demonstrated the great appreciation from the worlds life sciences community on the achievements of free radical biology and free radical medicine research. This course will be designed based on original English textbooks, taken into account the current research development in this field in the world, and utilizing my expertise gained from many years experience in free radical research. The PPT courseware will be written and delivered in English to graduate students and to introduce the correlation of free radical biology and diseases, the content of free radical biology and free radical medicine research, methods and techniques, as well as the latest research results and development trends. The main contents of the course include formation of free


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