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1 No. 1 2011 1 ModularMachineTool AutomaticManufacturing Technique Jan. 2011 : 1001- 2265( 2011) 01- 0022- 04 超声振动铣削 2 12表面粗糙度实验研究* 1 1 1, 2 1 赵云峰 , 张建华 , 沈学会 , 邢栋梁 ( 1. 山东大学机械工程学院, 济南 250061; 2. 山东轻工业学院机械工程学院, 济南 255063) :利用小径立铣刀对铝合金进行超声振动铣削实 ,重点探讨了超声振幅与每齿进给量对工件槽底 表面粗糙度的影响实 结果表明: 槽底表面粗糙随着超声振幅的增大而增大, 在每齿进给量f z 4m /z时槽超声振幅为主要影响因素;每齿进给量f z 6m /z时每齿进给量为主要影响因素在超声振 动铣削加工中应尽量选择小进给量可获得较小槽底表面粗糙度通过扫面电镜对工件微观形貌观测证 实了施加振动后脉冲切削和断续切削双重作用导致槽底表面粗糙度增大 :超声振动铣削;表面粗糙度; 超声振幅;每齿进给量 : TH123. 2 : ExperimentalStudy on Surface oughness by UltrasonicVibrationAssistedM illing 2A12 1 1 1, 2 1 ZH O Yun-feng, ZH NG Jian-hua, SHEN Xue-hui , XING Dong-liang ( 1. Shandong University School ofM echanical Engineering Ji nan 250061, China; 2. Shandong Institute of Light Industry SchoolofM echanicalEngineering Ji nan 250353, China) Abstract: In this paper ultrasonicvibration assistedm illing alum inum alloy expermi entw ith smalldiam eter end m illing cutterwas carried out, the influence of ultrasonic amplitude and feed per tooth to slot bottom surface roughnesswere emphatically discussed. The expermi ental result demonstrate the slot bottom surface roughness increasesw ith the increase ofultrasonic amplitude, whenf z 4m /z the ultrasonic amplitude ism ain influence factorwhilef z 6m /z the feed per tooth ismain influence factor. In the process ofultrasonicvibration assisted m illing alum inum alloy, it is advisable to select sm aller feed per tooth in order to obtain better surfacemach-i ning quality. The scanning electronicm icroscopewas used to observe them icro profiles of surfacesmachined, the observation results mi posed ultrasonic vibration confi


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