
迭代译码的级联Reed-Solomon 乘积码与卷积码Concatenated Reed .PDF

迭代译码的级联Reed-Solomon 乘积码与卷积码Concatenated Reed .PDF

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迭代译码的级联Reed-Solomon 乘积码与卷积码Concatenated Reed

电子发烧友 电子技术论坛 第 31 卷第 12 期 电 子 与 信 息 学 报 Vol.31No.12 2009 年 12 月 Journal of Electronics Information Technology Dec..2009 迭代译码的级联Reed-Solomon 乘积码与卷积码 孙小钧 刘晓健 赵春明 (东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室 南京 210096) 摘 要:该文提出用 Reed Solomon(RS)乘积码作为外码,卷积码作为内码的级联码方案并且内外码间用 Congruential 向量生成的交织图案对RS 码符号进行重排列。对此级联码采用的迭代译码基于成员码的软译码算法。 当迭代次数达到最大后,通过计算 RS 码的校正子,提出一种纠正残余错误的方法,进一步提高了系统的误比特性 能。仿真结果表明,在 AWGN 信道中与迭代译码的级联 RS/卷积码相比,当误比特率为 1e-5 时,新系统的编码增 益大约有 0.4 dB。 关键词:迭代译码;乘积码;Reed-Solomon (RS);卷积码 中图分类号:TN911.22 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5896(2009)12-2917-05 Concatenated Reed-Solomon Product Code/Convolutional Code with Iterative Decoding Sun Xiao-jun Liu Xiao-jian Zhao Chun-ming (National Mobile Communication Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China) Abstract: A concatenated coding scheme is proposed in this paper, which uses Reed-Solomon (RS) product code for outer code and convolutional code for inner code. The interleaving pattern, which is generated according to congruential sequence, is used to rearrange the symbols of RS product code .The iterative decoding of the concatenated coding scheme is based on the soft decoding of the component codes. When a given maximun number of iteration has been performed, a method is proposed to correct residual errors by computing the syndromes of RS codes. The simulation results show that coding gains up to 0.4 dB for a BER (Bit Error Rate) is of 1e-5 on the Gaussian channel comparison with concatenation RS/CC codes. Key words: Iterative decoding; Product code; Reed-Solomon (RS); Convolutional code 1


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