
重型矿用汽车多参数动力性换挡规律 - Maplesoft.PDF

重型矿用汽车多参数动力性换挡规律 - Maplesoft.PDF

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重型矿用汽车多参数动力性换挡规律 - Maplesoft

重型矿用汽车多参数动力性换挡规律 赵鑫鑫,张文明,冯雅丽,杨耀东 (北京科技大学 机械工程学院,北京 100083 ) 摘 要:基于矿用汽车载荷变化大,行驶环境多变,油门变化频繁的特点,依据重载爬坡和轻载上坡的典型工况, 建立了重型矿用汽车多参数动力性换挡规律。利用函数叠加法建立康明斯QSL-FR91674 型发动机全特性曲线,得 到不同油门开度情况下发动机输出转速与输出转矩的表达式。根据发动机输出动力特性,制定3550 型矿用汽车车 速、油门开度和加速度三参数动力性换挡规律。再结合道路状况识别方法、车辆载荷、驾驶员操作意图,针对空载 下坡和重载爬坡工况,修正得到重型矿用汽车多参数动力性换挡规律。在MAPLESIM 中建立换挡模型,通过仿真 计算,得到修正前后车辆轻载下坡路况时档位和车速变化曲线,后者避免不必要的换挡,保证了车辆的动力性能。 关键词:矿用汽车;动力性换挡规律;换挡参数;油门开度变化率 中图分类号:TP29 文献标志码:A The research of powerful shifting strategy considered multi-parameters for heavy-duty mining truck ZHAO Xin -xin, ZHANG Weng-ming, FENG Ya-li, YANG Yao-dong (School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China. Corresponding author: FENG Ya-li, E-mail: Abstract :The powerful shifting strategy considering multi-parameters for mining truck is set up, which is based on the weight, working condition and change rate of throttle angle. Depending on the method of superposition, the full field performance function of diesel engine which produced by Cummins QSL-FR91674, was established. In addition, the relationship between engine speed and output torque in different throttle angle was shown by this function. Based on the engine dynamic performance, three parameters powerful shifting strategy which consisted of vehicle speed, throttle angle and vehicle acceleration was designed. Because of working condition characters, the strategy was optimized by combining another augments which included the identification method for road condition, the state of vehicle load quality and driver intentions. The power train system simulation model was established in MAPLESIM, and simulation results


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