
钢框架优化设计及其抗震性能分析 - 西安建筑科技大学学报.PDF

钢框架优化设计及其抗震性能分析 - 西安建筑科技大学学报.PDF

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钢框架优化设计及其抗震性能分析 - 西安建筑科技大学学报

第 47 卷 第 3 期 西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) Vol.47 No.3 2015 年 6 月 J. Xian Univ. of Arch. Tech. (Natural Science Edition) Jun. 2015 DOI :10.15986/j.1006-7930.2015.03.002 钢框架优化设计及其抗震性能分析 薛建阳,黄小刚,高卫欣,韩 琛,翟 磊 (西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710055 ) 摘要:为解决单目标优化设计中仅考虑耗钢量最小造成结构刚度较小的不足,利用大型有限元软件ANSYS ,综合考虑结构 耗钢量和地震作用产生的应变能,分别对纯钢框架结构和钢框架支撑结构的单目标优化做了改进.首先研究了无支撑抗震钢 框架的多目标优化,然后在单目标优化后的纯框架基础上增加支撑,并通过多工况载荷下的静力拓扑分析寻求支撑体系的最 佳布置位置.计算结果表明:经过多目标优化后的结构体积比优化前减小了约16.7%,钢框架支撑结构的结构体积比优化前 减小了约13.1%.但在峰值加速度分别为70、400 gal 的EL Centro波和Taft波作用下各层的层间位移角比优化前并未明显增加, 出铰数量和位置也比单目标优化后的结构更加合理. 关键词: 多目标优化,约束法,应变能,Push-over分析,ANSYS 中图分类号:TU391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7930(2015)03-0316-05 Optimization design of steel frame and its structural seismic behavior XUE Jianyang , HUANG Xiaogang, GAO Weixin, HAN Chen,ZHAI Lei (School of Civil Engineering, Xian Univ. of Arch. Tech., Xian 710055, China) Abstract: In order to solve the lack of structure stiffness caused by the single-objective optimization regarding volume least as the target function, great improvements have been made in optimization design of steel frame and braced steel frame condsidering the balance of steel dosage and strain energy per ANSYS which employs the finite element method. Multi-objective optimization of steel frame is firstly studied, then different conditions of static topology optimization analysis are used for exploring the best optimum position of bracing systems after increasing bracing structure on the foundation of single-objective optimization of steel frame. Re- sults obtained show that 16.7% of the total steel volume in steel frame could be economized and the braced steel frame’s volume is saved by 13.1%, but the optimized structure’s drift ratio has not increased and the quantity and position of


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