
高校网上跳蚤市场Android 客户端设计与实现 - 计算机科学.PDF

高校网上跳蚤市场Android 客户端设计与实现 - 计算机科学.PDF

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高校网上跳蚤市场Android 客户端设计与实现 - 计算机科学

Vo1. 43 No. 11A 第 43 卷第11A 期 计算机科学 2016 年 11 月 Computer Science Nov 2016 高校网上跳蚤市场 Android 客户端设计与实现 田柏玉庄海涛钱旭 (中国矿业大学(北京)计算机科学与技术系 北京 100083) 摘 要针对传统的实体跳蚤市场不能满足高校学生实时、高效地进行二手交易的需求的问题,在 Android 平台下, 设计并开发了校园二手交易应用软件高校网上跳蚤市场。该软件同时考虑了交易的可靠性、消息发布与查找的实 时性以及查找物品的高效性,采用了大学生学号信息实名注册及物品分类发布与查找的机制。同时,软件中的数据渲 染采用了异步加载的方式,而且通过定义接口和抽象类来管理服务器与客户端之间的通讯。实际应用情况表明,与实 体跳蚤市场和现有的网上跳蚤市场相比,该软件不仅使高校学生的二手物品交易史使捷,而且解决了网上二手交易的 可信度及安全问题。 关键词 二手交易,Android,实名注册,异步加载,网上跳蚤市场 中图法分类号 TP31 1. 52 文献标识码 A Android Client Design Implementation of University Online Flea Market TIAN Bai-yu ZHUANG Hai-tao QIAN Xu (Department of Computer Science and Technology ,China University of Mining . Technology ,Beijing ,Beijing 100083 ,China) Abstract According to the problem of the traditional entity flea market which i凹t real-time and efficient ,under the Android platform ,campus second-hand transaction application which is also called university online flea market was de signed and developed. The reliability of the trading ,updating in real time and efficiently searching items were redefined to using college student id register and information classification. Meanwhile ,asynchronous loading method was adopted , and interfaces and abstract classes were defined to manage the communication between the server and the client. Com pared with the real flea marl王et and online secondary trading platform ,the proposed application not only improves the trading efficiency for college students ,but also improves the reliability and security. Keywords Second-hand transactions ,Android ,Real-name registration ,Asynchronous


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