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首先,我们要让他相信这是可能的 。 First , we should convince him that it is possible. 坏天气仍可能再持续好几天. It remains possible that the bad weather will last for several more days. 如果出了问题,谁来负责。 If problems arise , who can be responsible for it . 我试图向他解释,但他却生气地转过脸去。 I tried to explain , but he turned away from me in anger. 人们通常将阳光视为生命的必要条件之一。 People often view sunshine as one of the necessary conditions for life . 我昨天不该喝那么多啤酒的。 I shouldn’t have drunk so much beer yesterday. 你本不必过来那么早。会议9点菜开始。 You needn’t have been here so early. The meeting begins at 9 o’clock. 过去一遇到问题,她就去找她姐姐帮忙。 She would turn to her sister for help whenever there was a problem. 地面时湿的。刚才一定是下过雨了。 The ground is wet .It must have just rained. 难道她不该涨工资吗? Shouldn’t she have a pay-raise? 他开会迟到了,大家的目光都集中到他的身上。 He was late for the meeting and all people were focused their eyes on him. 他妈妈周末不让他出房门,因为他没做完作业。 His mother confined him to the room for the weekend because he didn’t finish his homework. 医生建议我们不要让皮肤过多地暴露在阳光下。 The doctor advice us not to expose our skin to the sunshine too much. 尽管多年没见面了,他的笑容仍然常常浮现在我脑海中。 Though we haven’t seen each other for years , his smiling face always comes ti my mind. 请不要靠近那些动物,很危险。 Please keep away from those animals. 瞧!你要找的人来了。 Look , here comes the man you are looking for. 知道天色已晚我们才回家。 Not until it was dark did we return home. 刚发生地震又闹水灾。 There was on earthquake and then came the flood. 那个学生一见外国人扭头就走。 Away went the student at the sight of foreigners. 只有到毕业后我们才认识到学英语的重要性。 Only after graduation did we realize the importance of learning English. 他对目前的工作感到心满意足。 He is content with his present job . 现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放出来。 Modern technologies have freed people from housework . 安妮尽一切可能是婚姻不致破裂。 Anny tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart. 他再也忍受不住牙痛,于是就去看医生。 He no longer put up with his toothache , so he went to see doctor. 在管理中,评价员工的工作是很难的。 In management ,its a hard job to appraise ones work. 如果你昨天参加了晚会。我肯定会看到你的。 If you had been in the party last night .I would have see you. 如果你再做那样的事,就会受到惩罚。


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