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* * * * * * * * Skills and practice Business English Writing Lesson 1 峡吨枫脾枫版悔褐为梅贺物健京侗聚仕弃岿夷彰柳庸趁鹊向步瘸评钩教眩商务英语写作课程商务英语写作课程 Getting in ---choose the possible answers from the lists in each case 1. Communication becomes easy and convenient in the modern business interactions. We can ____ to get contact with our business partners. a. write a letter b. send an e-mail c. make a phone call d. send a telegraph e. send a fax f. send a short message g. write a memo 九拆步奉躬剪碉吱轧满课泼崖昆踢蓖娜窍犯季柄甥板蹭慨涣遵沈雁扳援醋商务英语写作课程商务英语写作课程 Getting in ---choose the possible answers from the lists in each case 2. If you want to place an order with a supplier, you will _______. a. Make a phone call first, and then write a letter to confirm the order. b. Only need to make a phone call. c. Write a letter or a fax to place the order. 犯毕桥竟眨呻坏姐蹬翟鞠撼梅梧躬蹭柞蒂棒倦绘结智擎坐札年垛钻桌舌憋商务英语写作课程商务英语写作课程 Getting in ---choose the possible answers from the lists in each case 3. Is there any necessity to write a letter or a fax to acknowledge the order you received? a.Yes b. no 主辛充谈绷很吨龚盛烁珐赋先缺印钝绦蹋榷珊哼瞻乓粕泅粟祖黍腾七从兢商务英语写作课程商务英语写作课程 Getting in Could you list any reasons for the survival of business letters? A. it is real -------- its being in black and white can carry something undoubted or denied so it can carry commitment. B. it is written by someone, so it at least bears his/her signature, which gives off a touch which may make the business not so tough or cold. C. Even in today, there are quite a few regions that Internet hasn’t covered or is regarded as something too luxurious. D. it is necessary to keep written document in doing business. E. it could be read at any time as the reader likes. 渤仪斥噶例佑哑杭备致淋耪阿健姬促副典再莽堤拌埠狙适盲哦谷示咖敬崩商务英语写作课程商务英语写作课程 What Is Business Writing Generally, the writing which is related to business should all be called business writing. Business letters concerning establishing relationships, advertisements, fax, brochures, memo, e-mail, business reports, application lett



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