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22 2 河 北 工 业 科 技 V ol . 22, No . 2 2005 3 H ebei J our nal of Indu str ial Science and T echno log y M ar . 2005 2005) 020 10006 1, 2 1 1 , , ( 1. 哈尔滨工业大学机器人研究所, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150001; 2. 河北科技大学机械电子工程学院, 河北石家庄 050054) 目前, 康 机器人已经成为机器人领域的研究热点详细介绍了康 机械手医院机器人 系统智能轮椅假肢及康 治疗机器人的国内外研究现状, 并探讨了今后的发展方向 康 机械手; 医院机器人系统; 智能轮椅; 假肢; 康 治疗机器人 T P24 A Overview of reh abilitation robots r esearch 1, 2 1 1 ZH A N G F uxiang , F U Y ili , WA N G Shug uo ( 1. Ro bo tics Institut e, H arbin Institut e of T echno lo gy , Ha rbin H eilongj iang 15000 1, China; 2 . Colleg e o f Electr ic M ech ani cal Eng ineer ing, H ebei U niv ersity of Science and T echnolog y, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050054 , China) Abstract: Rehabilitat ion ro bo tics has play ed an increasing ly im po rtant role in the f ield of ro bo tics . In this essa y, the art of the m anipulato rs in r eh abilitation , r obotics sy stem s f o r ho spitals, intellig ent w heelch air s, pr osthesis and robot s f or r ehabilitation ther apy at hom e and abro ad is int rodu ced in detail, and the tendencies of reh abilit ation ro bot s are al so discu ssed . Key words: m anipulat ors in reh abilitation ; robo tics system s f or hosp ital s; Intelligent w heelch air s; prosthesis; ro bo t s f o r reh a bilitation therapy , 1 , 20 60 70 , 2 [ 1]


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