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网络出版时间:2013-01-04 16:41 网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/11.2206.TS1641.059.html 2012-12-05 基于羟基价鉴别地沟油 莫一鸣,李日宗,林章凛* (清华大学化学工程系,北京 100084) 摘 要:针对现存的地沟油检测方法的缺陷,从理论上分析了地沟油精炼过程中不易被除去的物质,根据不 易被除去的物质中含有羰基和羟基设计了测定油样品中羰基价和羟基价来鉴别地沟油的方法。实验结果显示 经过使用的油的羟基价均明显高于常用食用油,即使是精制地沟油的羟基价也是常用食用油的三倍多,因此 羟基价是一个特异性较强的检测指标。最后,根据目前已经发现的特异性较强的指标——聚合甘油三酯,建 议将羟基价和聚合甘油三酯含量指标加入现有食用油检测标准,以建立综合检测指标体系,提高地沟油精炼 成本,从经济角度解决地沟油问题。 关键词:地沟油;羟基价;甘油二酯;综合指标体系 Research on Detecting Methods of Waste Edible Oil Based on Value of Hydroxyl * MO Yi-ming ,LI Ri-zong ,LIN Zhang-lin (Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abstract :This article analyzed the shortages of existing methods in detecting the waste edible oil, and reasoned out the material which was hard to be removed from waste oil during refining process. According to those materials, this article designed two detecting methods based on detecting the carbonyl value and the value of hydroxyl in the sample oils. The results showed that the value of hydroxyl in the waste edible oils was observably higher than the normal edible oils. Furthermore, the value of hydroxyl in the refined waste edible oil was three times to that in the normal edible oils. As a result, the value of hydroxyl may be an appropriate index of high specificity. At last, this article adviseed to add some other detection indexes to the current oil standards in order to set up a comprehensive detection index sys



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