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Maximizing the use of local and regional networks 谢谢关注 联网观测=》应对气候变化、低碳行动 广东河源 布局和选址要求、仪器设备选型、 技术方法/标准/规范、数据处理和筛分、 质控手段/流程等方面 尚存在较大差异 =》亟待解决 !!! WMO/IAEA专家会议 WMO-CCL(中心标校实验室) WMO-WCC(世界标校中心) QA/SAC(质量保证/科学活动中心) WMO与CIPM 温室气体观测标准互认协议 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences Emission of GHGs ?Emission Inventory?Emission Scenario ?Change of Forest Cover?Biomass Material Flow Monitoring Data-base of GHGs Atmospheric GHGs ?Land Surface Stations ?Over Pacific Ocean ?Aircraft Carbon Sink to the Ocean ΔPCO2 Carbon Storage in Forest ?Carbon Flux over Forest ?Remote Sensing of Biomass QA / QC Standard Gases 自主行动--可测量、可报告、可核查 * Bottom line – more observations, higher resolution transport in models, improved reanalyses to capture the biospheric contribution and to begin to provide actionable information for informing greenhouse gas management strategies, including emissions reduction. Initially this calls for a scientific effort to begin development and make the improvements necessary to frame the observation/analysis system Ultimately the fully scaled system should become operational with a research component to seek continued improvement and relevance See Marquis and Tans (2008), Science 320:460-61, 25 April, for explanation of need for a global verification system. Current ESRL operated Tower and Aircraft network. A likely future scenario may look like the following where sites may be operated jointly with other institutes. We believe ESRL already has the data management strategy and QA/QC infrastructure to ensure that these data will be of the same high-quality that users expect. However, it is likely that in the near future local and regional networks will emerge to monitor CO2 at the state levels. These additional networks are essential if we expect reanalysis tools such as CT to make reliable estimates of emissions at state-level resolution. However, it is absolutely essential that these networks, the ESRL network, and the global cooperative network


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