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1.它的颜色非常鲜艳。头上的羽毛像( )的头巾,绣满了( )的花纹。背上的羽毛像( )的外衣。腹部的羽毛像( )的衬衫。它( ),一对( )的眼睛下面,长着一张( )的嘴。 2.课文先写了( )的翠鸟,再写( )的翠鸟,最后表达了作者( )的感情 面临 一抹 乖巧 仿佛 欢愉 勺子 淡水 托运 喂食 默契 期待 属于 斩钉截铁 猜测 纠缠 徘徊 光闪闪 蚂蚁 浇水 挣扎 恢复 埋藏 一枚 连番 迅速 咬住 责任 昆虫 石榴 生灵 落难 顽强 触抚 小心翼翼 意想不到 我不是昆虫学家,不知道蚂蚁的救助行为是一种偶然还是出自本能。但我觉得在这一点上,它们确实表现出了一种我们人类所应该具有的道德品质。 保姆 铁链 拴住 汲水 嗥叫 咆哮 嗅觉 愤怒 狡猾 尸骸 逃窜 杂乱 忠心耿耿 饥饿难熬 嚎啕大哭 皮开肉绽 本课讲述了 _________与_________搏 斗,保护_____________的故事。赞扬了____ 对主人______________的精神。 交流:大象是怎样保护主人的娃娃的? 主人把_______交给大象,鬣狗______, 大象和鬣狗进行_________,其中一只鬣狗被 ________________。大象继续和鬣狗_____, 最终_______________________。 练一练 With the use of this free diagram you accept the following use and license conditions. You are free: To Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work Under the following conditions: Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. In no event shall be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of the map. You can use this PowerPoint diagram for your personal, educational and business presentations. Conditions of use This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit /licenses/by-nd/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. This work is licensed under a?Creative Commons Attribution S * * * 语文S版三年级语文下册第二单元 翠 鸟 苇 秆 绣 花 腹 部 赤 红 衬 衫 疾 飞 泛 着 水 泡 逃 脱 锐 利 摇 晃 语文S版三年级语文下册第二单元 1.( )的羽毛,翼尖( ),


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