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談鈣在人體內的吸收與代謝 林文彬 林園中醫診所 TEL :02 FAX :02 E-mail :lin5400@ms19.hinet.net 通訊處:板橋市林園街 24 號 摘要 成年人骨含鈣量約爲 1180g ,鈣在人體組織的代謝過程中主要受副甲狀腺 素、腎上腺皮質激素、雄激素和雌激素等激素的影響。 根據 1993年行政院衛生署修訂的每日營養素建議攝取量:6 個月以下嬰兒每 日鈣的需要量爲400mg ,6 個月至 7 歲為 500mg ,7-10 歲為 600mg ,10-13 歲為 700mg ,13 歲以後為 800mg ,成人為800mg ,孕婦、哺乳期婦女再多加500mg 。 食物中的鈣進入腸道,需要經過腸壁才能被吸收入血。鈣通過腸道吸收的途 徑主要有兩個,即細胞內轉運途徑和細胞旁路途徑。腸鈣吸收主要包括兩個平行 的過程:主動跨細胞轉運過程以及被動擴散過程 正常情況下,人體攝入的鈣經過體內代謝後,多餘的鈣需要排出體外,鈣的 排泄途徑主要有腎臟、消化道、乳汁、汗液四種。 關鍵詞 鈣 負鈣平衡 骨質疏鬆 Abstract The adult bone content about 1180g calcium, the calcium is effected by parathyroid, adrenal cortex, testosterone, estrogen in body tissues metabolism process. According to Recommended Daily Nutrient Allowances of Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan on 1993: The daily calcium required quantity below 6 months baby is 400mg, 6 months to 7 years old is 500mg, 7-10 year old is 600mg, 10-13 year old is 700mg, 13 year old of later will be 800mg, the adult is 800mg, the pregnant woman, the breast-feeding period woman much adds 500mg again. The food calcium enters the intestinal tract, needs to be able to attract into blood after the intestines wall. Calcium pass through the absorbent way of intestine has two, that is inter cell transfer way and bypass way. The intestines calcium absorption mainly includes two parallel processes: active transfer and passive diffusion process. 1 In the normal condition, the takes calcium after in vivo metabolism, the unnecessary calcium needs to discharge in vitro, the calcium excretion way has four kind that is the kidney, the digestive tract, Lac Hominis, and the sweat. Key word Calcium, Negative Calcium Balanced, Osteoporosis 前言 骨頭是撐起身體的主要支架,而形成骨頭的主


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