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(1) (2)
黃隆明 劉奇恩
摘 要
台中港木麻黃防風林造林迄今已屆 30 年,由於立地環境惡劣,以及近年來強勁颱風吹襲
對林帶內的微氣候造成影響,本研究在四個不同空隙試區,架設 CR10X及 DAVIS綜合氣象觀測
2℃及 7%以內;氣壓則無差異;但日照時數則差異較大,以鬱閉林帶最短,僅 3個小時。綜合
(關鍵詞 :海岸防風林、立地環境、空隙、微氣候)
A Study on the Influence of Microclimate by the Wind Gap
at Coastal Windbreaks
Long-Ming Huang(1), Chi-En Liu(2)
Associate Professor(1) and Graduate Student(2), Department of Soil and Water Conservation
National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Casuarina trees were planted as windbreak belt along the perimeters of the Taichung Harbor
thirty years ago. Due to the harsh local environments, numerous Casuarin trees have died since. As a
result, wind gaps in various sizes in the intended windbreak belt have been created. To understand
influences of these wind gaps on the local microclimate in the windbreak belt, a CR10X and DAVIS
weather station was used in this study to compare and analyze three different sizes of wind gaps. In
addition, a strip of well-treed windbreak belt without wind gaps created by dead Casuarina trees was
also used in this study as the fourth case for comparisons. The open areas around the near-by
seashore was used as the reference point for comparisons. Key differences between the windbreak
gaps and the reference points were 2℃ in ambient temperature, 7% in relative humility and daily
(1) 國立中興大學水土保持學系副教授
(2) 國立中興大學水土保持學系碩士班研究生
水土保持學報 39(2) :189 - 200 (2007)
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 39(2) :18