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研究倫理的發展與國際現況 汪志雄 教授 醫學系 系主任 三軍總醫院 人體試驗委員會主委 1947 The Nuremberg Code 共10條倫理規範 首次提出「告知後同意 」(informed consent)的概念 The Nuremberg Code (key points) Informed consent of volunteers must be obtained without coercion in any form. Human experiments should be based upon prior animal experimentation. Anticipated scientific results should justify the experiment. Only qualified scientists should conduct medical research. Physical and mental suffering and injury should be avoided. There should be no expectation of death or disabling injury from the experiment 1963 紐約市Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital 的醫師,在未告知病人的情況下,將癌細胞打入病人體內進行研究 1964 Declaration of Helsinki 【赫爾辛基宣言】 由世界醫學會(World Medical Association; WMA)提出之人體研究倫理原則 歷經五次修訂(1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000) ,二次說明(2002, 2004) 1966 Henry Beecher發表於New Engl J Med的文章,揭露在美國研究機構中發生的22件違背醫學研究倫理的事件 1972 美國當局終止已進行40年的Tuskegee研究 US Public Health Service贊助的計畫 1932開始, Macon County, 阿拉巴馬州 200-300名黑人 梅毒未接收治療,研究梅毒的自然病程 被告知可以接受免費治療 1943-penicillin available, but not given to study subjects 1972-Jean Heller-New York Times 1974 因應 Tuskegee醜聞, 美國成立National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research 美國第一個致力於受試者保護的辦公室 1979: Belmont Report 誕生 The Belmont Report Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research 研究(research) vs.實務(practice) 倫理三原則 尊重他人原則(Respect for persons) 善益原則(Beneficence) 公平正義原則(Justice) 1981: In response to the Belmont Report, the federal regulations were modified in 1981 to require IRB approval for all drugs or products regulated by the FDA independent of the funding source 1981 美國依據Belmont Report之三大倫理原則制定聯邦法規 衛生服務部 (DHHS) 45 CFR 46- Protection of Human Subjects 聯邦藥物食品管理局(FDA) 21 CFR 50- Protection of Human Subjects (ICF) 21 CFR 56- Institutional Review Boards 1991 美國 17個聯邦政府部門採用DHHS法規45 CFR 46中之subpart A為受試者保護之共同法: The Common Rules 規範由聯邦政府部門(如NIH)執行或資助之研究 Requirements for assuring compliance by research institutions Requirements for research


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