Module2《Developing and Developed Countries》 课件(外研版必修3).ppt

Module2《Developing and Developed Countries》 课件(外研版必修3).ppt

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Module2《Developing and Developed Countries》 课件(外研版必修3)

模块质量评估 趣味漫画妙思 话题时文导读 写作技巧指导 趣味漫画妙思 话题时文导读 写作技巧指导 模块质量评估 趣味漫画妙思 话题时文导读 写作技巧指导 模块质量评估 * *   Developed countries are most of the western countries, mainly included: America, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Canada and Japan. Developing countries are most of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. We know there are many differences between them. It’s known that the developing countries face many problems. Can you list some ways to help them solve the problems? 1)Develop education (make sure everyone can receive education); 2)Reduce tax items; 3)Improve the environment; 4)Encourage developed countries to give more help to the developing countries; 5)The government should encourage people to improve the present condition to reduce poverty and hunger.   在发达国家,大多数的孩子都过着 幸福的生活,享受着现代文明带给他们 的快乐。然而远在贫困的非洲,那些穷 困的孩子却连他们的肚子都难以填饱。 作为志愿者,走进那里的孤儿院,“我” 不仅看到了孩子们灿烂的笑容,还感受 到这笑容背后的哀伤以及他们对美好生 活的渴望。多一点爱心,这个世界会更 美好。   I will never forget my experience in Africa. When I came into the orphanage1, the children had big smiles on their faces, but behind the smiles I could see the hurt in their eyes. They told me of their dreams for their future, but their future looked dim2 from their present situation. Before I came here I imagined an orphanage with lovely beds, a dining hall, and a playground where the children could enjoy themselves. But the reality was far from3 my imagination. The orphanage only had four rooms. These little boys and girls piled into the same beds in the rooms. The rooms were very small and they didn’t even have real doors. They were shabbily4 dressed and their fingers were thin as sticks. It was hard to imagine that something we could only see on TV really happened in this orphanage.   I talked to a volunteer who was cooking for the children. When she talked of the terrible situation of these children, I saw tears in her eyes. Seeing this, I felt strongly something needed to be done. I shouldn’t sit at my home in the United States and avoid all of the hurt th


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