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1 The Grammy Awards are presented every year in the music industry in the United States. 格莱美音乐奖每年在美国颁发一次。 present (v.) [present sth. to sb.]= [present sb. with sth.] 呈献,赠予(尤指在典礼场合) e.g.: 他把银杯颁发给获胜者。 He presented a silver cup to the winner. = He presented the winner with a silver cup. 2 an association of Americans professionally involved in the music industry involve [involve … in…] 使卷入;牵涉;拖累 不要把你的错误拖累到别人身上。 3 The award ceremony is usually held in February. 颁奖典礼通常在二月举行. award n [c]奖,奖品;奖金,奖学金 vt 授予,给予;判给,裁定 他获得了一等奖. He won the first award. 他被授予二等奖. He was awarded the second prize. 区别:award reward award 后接双宾语 award sb a medal 授予某人奖章 reward 不接双宾语 reward sb for sth因…奖赏某人 reward sb with 用…酬劳某人 4 In addition to the awards themselves , there are also performances by famous artists at the ceremony. 除了大奖本身以外,颁奖典礼上还有艺术家的表演。 in addition to 除…之外 除足球之外,我们还玩橄榄球。 We play football in addition to soccer. 参观动物园外,我们还去了博物馆。 In addition to visiting the zoo, we went to the museum. 除…之外(还) as well as;besides;apart from 5 in the shape of … 有…的形状 心型的蛋糕 a cake in the shape of a heart 6 Therefore, the Grammys are not taken seriously by some musicians or music fans.因此,格莱美并不为某些音乐家或音乐迷看重. take (v.) 对待,视为,认为 take sth seriously 严肃对待某事,重视某事 我总是认真对待你的建议。 I always take your suggestions seriously. * 外研版Book6Module4 Cultural Corner Don’t involve other people in your mistakes. (2) [involve + v. ing] 包含;含有;必有…的结果 接受这项工作就必须到国外居住。 Taking the job involves living abroad. *


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