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4. A third report came from Li Xiaohe, who was visiting the lake with his family. 序数词前用不定冠词a修饰,表示“又 一;再一”。 The cakes are delicious. He’d like to have _______ third one because _______ second is rather too small. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a C. Summary: 1. exist 2. claim 3. calm, quiet, silent, still 4. likely, possible, probable 5. cover 6. adapt 7. die out die off die of/from die away die down * Important points: Paragraph 1 再次成为新闻话题 湖边 清楚地看到 Paragraph2 4. 在……表面 paragraph3 5. 声称做了某事 6.潜入 Paragraph 4 7. 上个世纪初 8. 靠近 9.不可能 Paragraph 5 10. 占……面积 be back in the news the edge of the lake get a clear look at on the surface of… claim to have done dive into the beginning of the last century close up be unlikely to do cover an area of… Useful words and expressions 1. attack n. 攻击, 袭击 make an attack on the enemy 对敌人进行袭击 a troop under attack遭受攻击的部队 have an attack of fever突发高烧 a heart attack 心脏病突发 I was suddenly attacked from behind. 我突然从背后遭受袭击。 Today’s papers all attacked the government’s policy. 今天的报纸都抨击政府的新政策。 2. If you can adapt to something, you can change in order to make the situation better. adapt (1) vi. 适应 adapt to 适应…… (2) vt. 使适应;改编 adapt…to… 使……适应…… adapt…from… 根据……改编…… adapt…for… 为……改编 形似词:adopt vt. 采纳;收养 完成句子: We should ______ our thinking ______the new conditions. 我们应该改变我们的思想适应新的情况。 This TV play ___________________Jin Yong’s novel. 这部电视剧是从金庸的小说改编来的。 When he moved to Canada, the children ______________(适应) the change very well. adapt to was adapted from adapted to It is hard to adapt this story for children. 很难为孩子们改编这个故事。 The movie was adapted from a novel.这部电影是由一部小说改编而来。 3. throw light on 阐明某事,帮助弄清楚 The notes threw light on the texts. 这些注解有助于课文的理解。 They are doing some investigations that will throw light on the social problem. 他们正在做一些能阐明这个社会问题的调查。 come st


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