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基于CCD 的垂线坐标仪的设计 - 工矿自动化
4 工 矿 自 动 化 N o. 4
20 10 4 I ndustr y and M ine Autom at ion A pr . 20 10
: 1671- 25 1X( 2010) 04- 0018- 05
1 2 3
徐乐年 徐成功 员玉良
( 1. 2. 266510 ;
3. 266109)
: 针对矿井井壁变形引起的径向位移测量问题 提 了一种基于CCD 的垂线坐标仪的设计方案 给
了垂线坐标仪的结构及其在井壁变形监测系统中的布置 详细介绍了垂线坐标仪的软硬件设计该垂线
坐标仪利用 CCD 采集光信号并将其转换为视频信号采用L PC932 对采集的视频信号进行二值化处理及计
数 并将处理结果发送至地面计算机进行分析 从而得到矿井井壁变形引起的径向位移量测试结果验证了
: 矿井; 井壁位移; 径向位移; CCD; 垂线坐标仪; 线性标定; 二值化
: TD772 :B
Design of V ertical P lu mb Coor din atogr aph Based on CCD
1 2 3
X U L enian X U Chenggong Y U N Y uliang
( 1. Colleg e of Inf orm ation and Elect rical Engineering of SDU ST . Q ing dao 2665 10 China.
2. Co lleg e of M ech anical and Elect ronic Eng ineering of SDU ST . Q ingdao 266510 China.
3. College of M ech anical and Elect ro nic Engineering o f QA U . Q ingdao 266 109 China)
Abstract: In order t o solve t he pro blem of measuring horizont al displacem ent cau sed by def ormat ion of
sh aft w all of m ine a desig n scheme of vert ical plumb coordinat ograph based on CCD w as pr opo sed the
st ru ct ure of t he vert ical plumb co ordinat ograph and it s distr ibut io n in m onit o ring syst em f or def orm ation of
sh aft w all w er e given and so ft w are and hardw ar e design of t he vert ical plum b coo rdinat og raph w ere
int roduced in details. T he ver tical plumb coo rdinat og raph co llect s light sig nals and conv er t t he lig ht sig nals
to v ideo signals by u se of CCD does binar y pr ocessing and counting of t he collect ed video signals by u se of
LP C932 and tr an sm its t he pro cessed r