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五、翻译词组 1.吃个鸡蛋 have an egg 2.一辆美国轿车 an American car 3.这条橙色的裙子 the/this orange skirt 4.散步 talk a walk 5.那位老人 that old man 6.一张旧照片 an old photo 7.到公园去 go on the park 8.在公共汽车里 in the bus 9.去超市 go to the supermarket 10.一个小时 an hour 11.一个工程师 an engineer 12.一个单元 a unit 转动你的脑筋 四个人打麻将警 察为什么带走了五 个人? 挑战字母关 (大写 小写) 首字母大写的五种情况 China American Germany 2.国家首字母 1.句子的首字母 Eg. This is my book Tom 3.地名 北京 Beijing 上海 Shanghai 4.人名 Wang Dazui 5.月份 星期 节日 eg. 五月 May 六月 June 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 春节 Spring Festival 中秋节 Mid-autumn day 例题: 冠词 (a/an) 1.I have __ book. 2.__ cat can catch insect. 3.Lucy spends ___ hour doing her homework everyday. 4.Bob’s father is __ engineer. 5.John is __ honest boy. 6.__ apple __ day keeps the doctor away. 7.Let’s have __ rest for __ while. 8.Mother bought me __ uniform yesterday. 9.I have __ pencil __ (a, the) pencils is red. 10.___(a, the /) sun is shining brightly in __ (a, the, /) sky. 11.__ (a, the) dictionary on __ (a, the) desk is mine. 12.Is __ (the, /) Mary (a, the,/) youngest girl in our class. 13.Can you play (a, an, the, /) violin? 14.We go to school by (a, the, /) bike in (a, an, the) morning every day. 根据所学知识用a, an, the, / 填空 My name is __ Michael. I’m in __ grade three this term. My mother is __ doctor and my father is __ actor. Today is __ Saturday. Now, my father is talking on __ phone. My mother is having __ breakfast. My grandmother is watering __ flowers in __ garden and I’m watching __ TV. Look! This is my zone. There is __ beautiful umbrella in my bedroom. I like __ umbrella very much because I bought it in __ Paris. These are all my presents. 一、典型例题 ﹙ ﹚1.John is___honest boy. A.a B.an C.不填 ﹙ ﹚2.I have___pencil, ___pencil is green. A.a the B.the a C.a an ﹙ ﹚3. My name is___Tom,I am at___school. A.the the B.× × C.the a ﹙


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