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外部性 10 本章我们将探索这些问题的答案: 什么是外部性? 为什么外部性的存在使市场结果无效率? 什么公共政策能够解决外部性问题? 人们有时如何自己来解决外部性问题?为什么私人解决方法并不总是有效? 可交易的污染许可证 可交易的污染许可证制度能比管制以更低的成本降低污染 减少污染成本低的企业可以出售他们的污染许可证 减少污染成本高的企业可以购买污染许可证 结果:污染的减少主要集中在那些降低污染成本低的企业 公共物品与公共资源 11 本章我们将探索这些问题的答案: 什么是公共物品?什么是公共资源?各举出一些例子 为什么市场在提供这些物品的有效率数量上总是失败? 在公共物品或公共资源上,政府怎么做才能改善市场结果? 主动学习 1 道路的分类 道路是这四种物品中的哪一类? 提示:答案取决于物品是否是拥挤的,以及它是否收费。考虑不同的情形 主动学习 1 参考答案 消费中的竞争性?仅当道路是拥挤的时候 排他性?仅当道路收费时 四种可能性: 不拥挤也不收费:公共物品 不拥挤但收费:自然垄断 拥挤但不收费:公共资源 供给也收费:私人物品 主动学习 2 公共资源的政策选择 小镇桑的人们(或者他们的政府)能为防止这种悲剧做点什么? 尝试想出两种或三种办法 主动学习 2 参考答案 对土地的使用征收一种矫正性税收,使“外部性内部化” 管制公地的使用(“命令与控制”的方法) 拍卖使用土地的权利 把土地分成小块,并出售给家庭;每个家庭将会有不过度放牧的激励 * An example for each bullet point in the context of the brainstorming activity on the previous slide: 1. Transactions costs: Suppose lawyers charge $60,000 to represent the two parties and draw up a contract that is enforceable in a court. Then it will be impossible for both parties to come to a mutually beneficial agreement, and the factory will continue polluting the lake. 2. Stubbornness: Suppose the town offers $55,000 to the factory. The factory would be better off taking this offer than nothing at all, but the factory may counter with a $95,000 price. Both parties hold out in hopes that the other will cede, but neither does. The factory keeps polluting, and the residents of Green Valley continue to be denied the joy of swimming in the lake. 3. Coordination problems: Getting all 1000 residents to agree to a specific offer will be difficult. Moreover, each resident has an incentive to free-ride off his neighbors. This chapter is shorter than average. (In many other textbooks, a single chapter combines this material with externalities.) It’s also less analytically challenging than average, so most students find it less difficult – especially when covered immediately after the externalities chapter. Most instructors are able to cover this chapter in a single class session. This PowerPoin


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