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* 4. 董事会决定任命约翰逊为总经理. A: 5. 如果我是你,我会勇敢地正视这一问题. A: 6. 假如我身体好一些,我早就离开这里了. A: The board decided that Johnson be appointed general manager. If I were you, I would face up to the problem. If I were in better health, I would have long left this place. 7. 我非常不愿意眼看他犯错误. A: 8. 我多么希望我们厂装备得好一些. A: 9. 要不是我们明天有测验,我今晚就去看电影了. A: If we weren’t to have our test tomorrow, I would go and see a film this evening. How I wish our factory were better equipped. Far be it from me to see him make a mistake. Chapter 17 -18 Auxiliaries助动词 情态助动词 (P191-209) Modal meanings: Ability and possibility(能力、可能) Permission prohibition (许可、不许) Obligation necessity(义务、必然) Prediction predictability (预见、推测) Willingness, intention, and determination(意愿、意图、决心) Other modal meanings 半助动词 半助动词 P210 半助动词在功能上介乎主动词和助动词之间的一类结构,称为半助动词。它们可与主动词搭配构成复杂动词词组并表示情态意义,有时也可与助动词搭配。   三类:以be为中心; 以have 为中心; 以seem 为中心 e.g. be able to, have to, seem to  带有半助动词作为动词词组的组成部分的句子,有的可以转换“ It…that-分句”结构,而有的却不可以。从这个角度看,半助动词可分为两类:一类是可以作上述转换的 ,另一类半助动词不可以作上述转换 。 半助动词 P210 They are certain to win the game.他们肯定会在比赛中获胜。  →It is certain that they will win the game. He is likely to let you down.他可能使你失望。  →It is likely that he will let you down. He appears to have many friends.看来他有许多朋友。 →It appears that he has many friends. He seems to be enjoying himself.看来他玩得很快活。 →It seems that he is enjoying himself    半助动词 P210 Some members of the committee seem to have been bribed.委员会的一些成员看来是受了贿赂。  →It seems that some members of the committee have been bribed. I happen to have had some nasty experiences in dealing with him. 我恰巧有过一些和他打交道的不愉快的经历。  →It happens that I have had some nasty experiences in dealing with him.   半助动词 P210 He is about to arrive.他即将到达。 He is bound to win.他一定会获胜。 The boy tended to be late.这孩子老是迟到。 不可以转换为:  *It is about that he will arrive.  *It bound that he will win.  *It tended that the boy was late. Chapter 19-22 Non-finite verb 非限定动词: Infinitive -in


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