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盖黄药材中 6 种重金属残留景测定 陈晋红 1 ,汤毅珊 1 ,刘大伟 2 ,正宁生 I (1.广州中医药大学临床药理研究所,广州 510405; 2. 香港中文大学中医 中药研究所,香港沙回) 摘要:目的 建立-4-黄中 6 种重金属(坤、乖、铜、铅、锡、修)的检测方法,删定不间产池县黄中重金属残留含 景。方法 样品经微波消解,采用石黑炉原子吸收法测定铜、铅、楠、锋的令贵;采用原子荧光光谱法喇;这功和 杀,并对测定方法进行了方法学考罄。结果 参照《药用植物a制剂外经贸绿色行业林准) ,超标卒分别为均 0% ,准0% ,铜 18.2% ,铅 9.1 %;锅 36.4% , 6 种重金属的回收率为 86.3 -113. 4% , RSD 为 10.4% 。结论 该 方法简便,准确,可较好地用于中揭材重金属残留贵的测定。 关键词:晏黄;重金属;原子吸收允谱法:原子焚尤光谱法 中罔分类号: R284.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1003 -9783(2009)05 甲 0457 -04 Residue Determination of Six Kinds of Heavy Metal in Rhizoma Curcumae Longae l l l CHEN Jinhong , TANG Yishan , LIU DaweF , WANG Ningsheng (1. Institute of Clinical Pharmacology , Guangzhou Uníver- sity of Chinese Medícíne , Guangzhou 510405 , China; 2. Institute of Chinese Medicine , The Chinese University of Hong Kong , Shatin , N.7. , Hong Kong) Abstract: Objective To determine the content of six heavy metal elemen恼。f arsenicum(As) , merc町(时, cuprum (Cu) , plumbum (Pb) , cadmium (Cd) and chromium (Cr) in Rhizoma Curcumae Longae. Methods Samples were digested with microwave digestion system. and the contents of Cu , Pb , Cd and Cr were determined by graphite fumace atomÎc absorp- tion spectrometry (GFAAS); the contents of As and Hg were determined by atomic fluorescence spec忧。metry (AFS) , and the reproducibility and recovery of the method were also examined. Results As and Hg contents in most of the products were below the limit. Only Cu , Pb and Cd contents exceed the limit. The recovery was 86. 3 %陶 113.4% and RSD was 10.4 %. Con- c1usions The method is simple and accurate , and can be used for the det桔rmination of heavy metal in Chinese herbs. Keywords: Rhizoma Curcumae Longae; Hea叮metal; Atomic absorption spectrometry; Atomic fluorescence spectrometry 中药材中重金属污染途径川主要有自然界大环境 法(AFS) ,此外还发展了感应梢命等离子体质谱法 的河染以及中药在采收、加工、运输过程中由于器 (lCP



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