对测定总氮新标准(HJ 636-2012)的探讨.pdfVIP

对测定总氮新标准(HJ 636-2012)的探讨.pdf

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对测定总氮新标准(HJ 636-2012)的探讨.pdf

第 29 卷第 16 期 中国给水排水 Vo l. 29 No. 16 2013 年8 月 CHINA WATER WASTEWATER Aug.2013 对喇定总兔新标准(HJ 636-2012) 的探叶 祝旭初l 气周雪莲3 , 雷迅1 ,毛丽娟l (1.宁波市北仑区环境保护监测站,浙江宁波 315800; 2. 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092; 3. 宁波北仑岩东排水有限公司,浙江宁波 315800) 摘 要: 碱性过硫酸钟消解紫外光度法是测定总氮的常用方法。对《水质总氮的测定碱性 过硫酸何消解紫外分光光度法HHJ 636二2012) 进行了探讨和改进,结论如下:采用标准曲线代替 工作曲线不影响测定;减少消解液的用量,准确控制消解液的加入量,可以使空白值降低并且保持 稳定,满足大部分实际样品的测定。通过碱性过硫酸钟溶液的配制、贮存方式、比色管的清洗方式 等试验,对新标准部分内容进行了探讨。 关键词: 总氮; 碱性过硫酸钳; 紫外光度法 中图分类号: TU991 文献标识码:C 文章编号: 1000 -4602 (20 l3 ) 16 -0094 -04 Discussion on New Standard Method 8J 636 - 2012 for Determining Total Nitrogen ZHU Xu-ChU 1 ,2 , ZHOU Xue-lian 3 , LEI Xun 1 , MAO Li才uanl (1. Environmental Monitoring Stαtion 0/ Beilun District , Ningbo 315800 , China; 2. College 0/ Environmental Science αnd Engineering , Tongji University , Shαnghai 200092 , China; 3. Ningbo Beilun Yando昭 Drainage Co. Ltd. , Ni昭b0315800 , China) Abstract: Alkaline potassium persulfate digestion ultraviolet spectrophotometry is a commonly used method for determining total nitrogen. W;αter Quαlity - Determinαtion 0/ Total Nitrogen - Alkaline PotαSSiU1η Persulfate Digestion UV Spectrophotometric Method (HJ 636 - 2012) was discussed and im- proved. The conclusions were as follows: the adoption of the standard curve instead of working curve did not affect the test results; and the reduction of digestion solution and the accurate control of the amount of digestion solution could lead to the reduction and stability of the blank value , satisfying the measurement of most of the actual


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