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By Qiu Yubin ★ Cynicism (犬儒主义) ★ Epicureanism (伊壁鸠鲁学说) ★ Stoicism (斯多葛学派) ★ Skepticism (怀疑论) ———《西方政治思想史》,唐士其著 ★ Epicureanism Epicurus Founder:Epicurus (341-270 BC) Philosophy in the garden Away from political society philosophical discussions / the cult of friendship. ★ Epicureanism Epicurus Philosophy Wise conduct of life Senses Superstition/ supernatural intervention Atom (Democritus, move randomly, no determinism决定论) Gods (exist, ideal beings, indifferent) Physics Ethics Purpose of life (happiness) ---Absence of pain Best pleasure---no painful wants---harmony of body and mind Summary: Materialism Misunderstanding ( sensualism) Epicurus ★ Epicureanism Today, the word ‘Epicure’ refers to a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment, especially good food and drink. ★ Stoicism Early Stoicism: Zeno of Citium (334-262 BC)—fell down Cleanthes (331-232 BC)--abstinence Chrysippus (280-206 BC)-- laugh Middle Stoicism Panaetius Posidonius Roman Stoicism Seneca (3 BC-65 BC) Epictetus (55 BC-135AD) Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD) ★ Stoicism World outlook Ethics: 1. Only virtue is good, only vice bad. 2. Determinism and morality are fully compatible. Universe the active (god) the passive (matter) govern Epistemology: Knowledge can be attained through the use of reason. External facts----(cognitive impression)-----become rational. Stoic logic is propositional. ★ Stoicism ★ Stoicism Summary: happy---live in harmony with nature/ free from passion and morally wrong impulses. Fatalism (宿命论) Today, we still use the phrase stoic calm to describe those who never acts impetuously. ★ Skepticism Skepticism is generally any questioning attitude towards knowledge, facts, or opinions/beliefs stated as facts, ?or?doubt?regarding claims that are taken for granted elsewhere. (/wiki/Skepticism) Pyrrho


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